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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Mean linear red cell velocity in sartorius muscle Cat 0.38 (±0.02) mm/sec 115136 Ivanov, K., Kalinina...
Percent of prefrontal lobe volume out of neocortex volume Cat 3.5 % 103175 Fuster JM. Frontal lobe...
Oxygen saturation properties of blood from domestic cats with various hemoglobin phenotypes Cat Table - link N/A 109519 Mauk AG, Huang YP, Skogen FW...
Transport rate of membrane-associated proteins Cat 400 mm/day 106705 Hoffman PN. A conditioning...
Fraction of striatal neurons that are medium spiny projection neurons (MSNs) Cat ~95 % 117203 Yager LM, Garcia AF,...
Fast axonal transport in dorsal root ganglion cell Cat ≤5µm/sec (equivalent to ≤432mm/day) N/A 112232 Vale RD, Schnapp BJ, Reese TS...
Rate of axoplasmic transport Cat 400 - 410 mm/day 112227 Ochs S. Rate of fast...
By the end of the first postnatal month corticospinal conduction velocities reach Cat 12 - 20 m/sec 114495 Hildebrand C, Remahl S...
Mean velocity of blood flow in tenuissimus precapillaries (lumen of 9µm) Cat 3.8 (±1.0) mm/sec 115143 Ivanov, K., Kalinina...
Chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (cat) specific activity in cointegrate Bacteria Escherichia coli 263.4 (±28.2) nmol acetylated chloramphenicol formed/min/mg protein 102062 Li SJ, Cronan JE Jr....
Chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (cat) specific activity in plasmid Bacteria Escherichia coli 606.8 (±25) nmol acetylated chloramphenicol formed/min/mg protein 102064 Li SJ, Cronan JE Jr....
Misincorporation rate in translation in CAT III mutant Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae 5e-6 - 2e-5 Mismatched/matched amino acid 105216 Stansfield I, Jones KM...
Velocity of action potential in pyramidal tract at 37°C Cat Felis 164 m/s 108966 Bullock TH, Horridge...
pH in brain of rat, cat and dog in vivo Mammals Table - link unitless 110768 Roos A, Boron WF (1981)...
Mean diameter of soma and of intramedullary axon of triceps surae alpha-motoneuron Cat Felis silvestris catus soma at birth 39.6µm: soma in adult 57.6µm: axon at birth 2.4µm: axon in adult 6.7µm µm 112111 Cullheim S, Ulfhake B....
Action Potential parameters for avalanche and recovery phases for squid and cat Various Table - link N/A 104234 Aiello GL, Bach-y-Rita...
Diameter of neuron in caudate nucleus Cat Felis silvestris catus majority of neurons 10-15µm: much less abundant neurons 18-20µm: total range 7.5-32.5µm µm 112117 Adinolfi AM, Pappas GD....
Chromosome number (2n) Cat Felis silvestris catus 38 unitless 100361 http://www.genomesiz...
Number of birds lost to predation by domestic cats each year Biosphere in Britain ≥20 million birds/year: in USA >80 million birds/year 116948 Winkler, K., Fall, B.A....
Rate of axoplasmic transport in sciatic nerve Mammals dog 260mm/day: cat 431mm/day mm/day 112226 Ochs S. Rate of fast...