Decrease in diffusion coefficient of 2 proteins in cytoplasm compared to dilute solution

Value 2 Fold
Organism Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Reference Pielak GJ, Li C, Miklos AC, Schlesinger AP, Slade KM, Wang GF, Zigoneanu IG. Protein nuclear magnetic resonance under physiological conditions. Biochemistry. 2009 Jan 20 48(2):226-34. p.227 right column 1st paragraphPubMed ID19113834
Primary Source Williams SP, Haggie PM, Brindle KM. 19F NMR measurements of the rotational mobility of proteins in vivo. Biophys J. 1997 Jan72(1):490-8.PubMed ID8994636
Method 19F NMR,nuclear magnetic resonance
Entered by Uri M
ID 106191