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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Separation between plane of N porphyrin and C porphyrin in beta heme of hemoglobin Human Homo sapiens 0.1 Angstrom 104204 Fermi G, Perutz MF, Shaanan B...
Displacement of ferrous ion out of heme plane in deoxygenated state of hemoglobin Human Homo sapiens 0.4 Angstrom 104201 Wood BR, McNaughton D....
Displacement of ferrous ion out of heme plane in oxygenated state of hemoglobin Human Homo sapiens 0.12 Angstrom 104202 Fermi G, Perutz MF, Shaanan B...
Changes in PCV, hemoglobin content of whole blood P50 and Hill constant (n) of whole blood Wild Turkey Meleagris gallopavo Table - link N/A 109699 Isaacks RE, Harkness DR...
Red blood cell diameter (see comments section for hemoglobin concentration in packed cells) Human Homo sapiens fresh cell 7.27±0.52: fixed embedded cell 7.37±0.30 µm 112779 Silverman L, Glick D....
Time for restoration of total hemoglobin mass (tHb) after donation [blood loss of approximately 550 mL] Human Homo sapiens 36 (±11 range: 20-59) days 112601 Pottgiesser T et al....
Plasma-free Hb [hemoglobin] and haptoglobin concentrations before and 1 and 24 hours after transfusion of BioRBCs [biotinylated red blood cells] Human Homo sapiens Table - link N/A 112493 Mock DM et al., Red blood...
Red cell volume and concentration in different anemias Human Homo sapiens Table - link N/A 107600 Ballas SK. Erythrocyte...
Blood values Human Homo sapiens red cell average hemoglobin concentration 14.8g/dL: average hematocrit 42ml/dL N/A 112778 Silverman L, Glick D....
Amount of haemoglobin in erythrocyte Human Homo sapiens 2.7e+8 Copies/cell 102740 Pierigè F, Serafini S...
Amino acid replacement rate [per site per year] Generic 1E-09 year^-1 100358 Hartl and Clark, "Principles...
Average haemoglobin concentration in healthy non-pregnant woman living at sea level Human Homo sapiens 13 - 14 g/dL 112355 Hytten F. Blood volume...
Volume of mature erythrocyte Mouse Mus musculus 45.5 (±3) µm^3 104861 de Jong K, Emerson RK...
Volume of reticulocyte Mouse Mus musculus 66 (±8.3) µm^3 104862 de Jong K, Emerson RK...
Number of erythroblasts in spleen Mouse Mus musculus 4.2e+7 (±18,000,000 Table - link) Unitless 104863 de Jong K, Emerson RK...
Number of erythroblasts in bone marrow Mouse Mus musculus 3.1e+7 (±9,000,000 Table - link) Unitless 104864 de Jong K, Emerson RK...
Methods of gas transport in the blood Human Homo sapiens Table - link % 111018 Lauralee Sherwood, Human...
Number of alpha and beta globin transcripts produced in developing erythrocyte Mouse Mus musculus 10000-20000 copies/cell 102291 Voon HP, Vadolas J. ...
Concentration of Carbonic Anhydrase I in red blood cell Human Homo sapiens 0.08 CA I molecules/hemoglobin molecule 102667 Lindskog S. Structure...
Time for red blood cell to lose biconcave shape following hemolysis Rat Rattus norvegicus 2-3 Days 104200 Wagner KR, Dwyer BE....