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Property | Organism | Value | Units | ID | Details |
Separation between plane of N porphyrin and C porphyrin in beta heme of hemoglobin | Human Homo sapiens | 0.1 | Angstrom | 104204 | Fermi G, Perutz MF, Shaanan B... |
Displacement of ferrous ion out of heme plane in deoxygenated state of hemoglobin | Human Homo sapiens | 0.4 | Angstrom | 104201 | Wood BR, McNaughton D.... |
Displacement of ferrous ion out of heme plane in oxygenated state of hemoglobin | Human Homo sapiens | 0.12 | Angstrom | 104202 | Fermi G, Perutz MF, Shaanan B... |
Changes in PCV, hemoglobin content of whole blood P50 and Hill constant (n) of whole blood | Wild Turkey Meleagris gallopavo | Table - link | N/A | 109699 | Isaacks RE, Harkness DR... |
Red blood cell diameter (see comments section for hemoglobin concentration in packed cells) | Human Homo sapiens | fresh cell 7.27±0.52: fixed embedded cell 7.37±0.30 | µm | 112779 | Silverman L, Glick D.... |
Time for restoration of total hemoglobin mass (tHb) after donation [blood loss of approximately 550 mL] | Human Homo sapiens | 36 (±11 range: 20-59) | days | 112601 | Pottgiesser T et al.... |
Plasma-free Hb [hemoglobin] and haptoglobin concentrations before and 1 and 24 hours after transfusion of BioRBCs [biotinylated red blood cells] | Human Homo sapiens | Table - link | N/A | 112493 | Mock DM et al., Red blood... |
Red cell volume and concentration in different anemias | Human Homo sapiens | Table - link | N/A | 107600 | Ballas SK. Erythrocyte... |
Blood values | Human Homo sapiens | red cell average hemoglobin concentration 14.8g/dL: average hematocrit 42ml/dL | N/A | 112778 | Silverman L, Glick D.... |
Amount of haemoglobin in erythrocyte | Human Homo sapiens | 2.7e+8 | Copies/cell | 102740 | Pierigè F, Serafini S... |
Amino acid replacement rate [per site per year] | Generic | 1E-09 | year^-1 | 100358 | Hartl and Clark, "Principles... |
Average haemoglobin concentration in healthy non-pregnant woman living at sea level | Human Homo sapiens | 13 - 14 | g/dL | 112355 | Hytten F. Blood volume... |
Volume of mature erythrocyte | Mouse Mus musculus | 45.5 (±3) | µm^3 | 104861 | de Jong K, Emerson RK... |
Volume of reticulocyte | Mouse Mus musculus | 66 (±8.3) | µm^3 | 104862 | de Jong K, Emerson RK... |
Number of erythroblasts in spleen | Mouse Mus musculus | 4.2e+7 (±18,000,000 Table - link) | Unitless | 104863 | de Jong K, Emerson RK... |
Number of erythroblasts in bone marrow | Mouse Mus musculus | 3.1e+7 (±9,000,000 Table - link) | Unitless | 104864 | de Jong K, Emerson RK... |
Methods of gas transport in the blood | Human Homo sapiens | Table - link | % | 111018 | Lauralee Sherwood, Human... |
Number of alpha and beta globin transcripts produced in developing erythrocyte | Mouse Mus musculus | 10000-20000 | copies/cell | 102291 | Voon HP, Vadolas J. ... |
Concentration of Carbonic Anhydrase I in red blood cell | Human Homo sapiens | 0.08 | CA I molecules/hemoglobin molecule | 102667 | Lindskog S. Structure... |
Time for red blood cell to lose biconcave shape following hemolysis | Rat Rattus norvegicus | 2-3 | Days | 104200 | Wagner KR, Dwyer BE.... |