Phage genome length data set
Range | Excel Table - link |
Organism | Bacteriophage |
Reference | Jover LF, Effler TC, Buchan A, Wilhelm SW, Weitz JS. The elemental composition of virus particles: implications for marine biogeochemical cycles. Nat Rev Microbiol. 2014 Jul12(7):519-28. doi: 10.1038/nrmicro3289. Supplementary information S3 (table)PubMed ID24931044 |
Comments | P.521 left column: "A complete list of biophysical and biochemical constants can be found in Supplementary information S1 (box) the raw data supporting the calculations in the box are available in Supplementary information S2 (table BNID 112433), Supplementary information S3 (table) and Supplementary information S4 (table)." |
Entered by | Uri M |
ID | 112434 |