Range |
≤50 %
Organism |
Human Homo sapiens |
Reference |
Bernstein BW, Bamburg JR. Actin-ATP hydrolysis is a major energy drain for neurons. J Neurosci. 2003 Jan 1 23(1):1-6. p.1 right column 2nd paragraphPubMed ID12514193
Primary Source |
Daniel JL, Molish IR, Robkin L, Holmsen H. Nucleotide exchange between cytosolic ATP and F-actin-bound ADP may be a major energy-utilizing process in unstimulated platelets. Eur J Biochem. 1986 May 2 156(3):677-84.PubMed ID3699030
Method |
(Primary source abstract:) "In intact platelets the F-actin-bound ADP turns over rapidly and [researchers] have determined a turnover rate at 37 degrees C of 0.1±0.025s^-1 by using a double-labelling procedure." |
Comments |
"It was estimated in a nucleotide-exchange study that as much
as 50% of the total ATP use of resting platelets is needed merely to
maintain the actin cytoskeleton (primary source)...the authors of a
nucleotide-exchange study estimated that maintenance of the actin
cytoskeleton could be responsible for as much as 50% of the
total ATP consumption in resting platelets (primary source)." |
Entered by |
Ron Milo - Admin |
ID |
109285 |