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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Rates of forward epimutations (i.e., stochastic gains of methylation) & backward epimutations (i.e., stochastic loss of methylation) in genes & transposable elements (TE) Thale cress Arabidopsis thaliana genes forward 3.48×10^−4 backward 1.47×10^−3: TE forward 3.24×10^−4 backwards 1.2×10^−5 epimutation/CG site/haploid genome/generation 113100 Vidalis A, Živković D...
Distribution of insertion sequence [IS] elements Bacteria Escherichia coli Table - link N/A 111311 Naas T, Blot M, Fitch WM...
Fraction of human and mouse genomes that are DNA elements repeated thousands or millions times Mammals ~40-45 % 113015 Kramerov DA, Vassetzky...
Abundance of elements Biosphere Table - link ppm 103490 John Harte, Consider...
Abundances of Elements Biosphere Database - link N/A 101784 National physical laboratory...
Fraction of genome that is LINE and SINE Mouse Mus musculus 36 % 103830 Mural RJ et al, A comparison...
Percent of genome that is Long Terminal Repeats (LTR) Human Homo sapiens 8.1 Percent 103845 International Human Genome...
Percent of genome that is DNA-Transposons Human Homo sapiens 2.8 % 103840 International Human Genome...
Standard atomic weights of the elements Biosphere Table - link N/A 103729 Inorganic chemistry division...
Thickness of cytoskeletal elements Unspecified microtubules 24: filamentous actin 8: vimentin 10: lamin meshwork ~3.5 nm 114288 Turgay Y et al., (2017)....
Fraction of genome that is DNA-Transposons Rice Oryza sativa 1.92 % 103836 Li W, Zhang P, Fellers JP...
Fraction of genome that is Long Terminal Repeats (LTR) Fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster 1.5 (Table - link) % 103853 International Human Genome...
Percent of genome that is DNA Transposons Wheat Triticum aestivum 13.3 % 103837 Li W, Zhang P, Fellers JP...
Percent of genome that is retroelements Wheat Triticum aestivum 49 Percent 103838 Li W, Zhang P, Fellers JP...
Fraction of genome that is DNA-tranposons Corn Zea mays 1 % 103834 Li W, Zhang P, Fellers JP...
Essential elements in the human body Human Homo sapiens Table - link N/A 107256 Emsley John, Nature's...
Number and nature of interspersed repeats in eukaryotic genomes Eukaryotes Table - link N/A 103839 International Human Genome...
Characteristics of the genome Tree Norway Spruce Picea abies Table - link N/A 113649 Nystedt B et al., The...
Logarithmic concentration of elements in sea water Generic Table - link M 105411 J.J.R. Fraústo da Silva...
Abundance of essential elements in the human body Human Homo sapiens Table - link N/A 106341 Emsley John, Nature's...