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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Protein folding properties of proteins and polypeptides Unspecified Table - link N/A 107158 Ivankov DN, Garbuzynskiy SO...
Collection of protein folding rates and energetics Generic Table - link N/A 107156 Maxwell KL et al., Protein...
Folding data of ultrafast folding proteins Unspecified Table - link N/A 112314 Kubelka J, Hofrichter J...
Folding free energy of the average protein Various -7.1 E. coli: -8.8 S. cerevisiae: -8:2 C. elegans kcal/mol 107069 Ghosh K, Dill K. Cellular...
Timescales in protein folding accessible with single molecule spectroscopy Unspecified Figure - link sec 112199 Schuler B, Hofmann H....
Average length of independently folding domains in protein Generic 50-90 amino acids 103726 Zhang G, Hubalewska M...
Size- and stability-normalized protein folding times and proximity to speed limit Unspecified Table - link N/A 112315 Kubelka J, Hofrichter J...
Average half-time (t1/2) of GroEL-assisted protein folding Bacteria Escherichia coli 60 sec 110580 Kerner MJ, Naylor DJ...
GFP folding time Generic 600 sec 111269 Dietz H, Rief M. Exploring...
Kinetic parameters of src SH3 folding Generic Table - link N/A 107157 Riddle DS et al., Experiment...
Observed free energies of folding of proteins (for a typical protein of 100-200 residues) Generic 5 - 15 kcal/mol 114425 Fersht AR. The sixth...
Beta hairpin folding time at room temperature Generic 6 μsec 107396 Victor Muñoz, Peggy A....
Kinetic and thermodynamic parameters for the folding of dimeric proteins Unspecified Table - link N/A 114416 Jackson SE. How do small...
Translation time for folding of human RAS, mouse DHFR and a fusion of both Mammals RAS 3min: DHFR 1.7min: His-tagged fusion protein ~24min min 113368 Netzer WJ, Hartl FU....
Equilibrium and kinetic data for folding of MLAc (a monomeric variant of the lactose repressor protein) Bacteria Escherichia coli Table - link N/A 107805 Wilson CJ, Das P, Clementi C...
Differences between the folding free energies in vivo and in vitro for cellular retinoic acid binding protein (CRABP) Unspecified 2.2 (±0.1) kcal/mol 108469 McGuffee SR, Elcock AH....
The protein economy: estimates of rates of protein synthesis, folding and degradation in cells (probably for HeLa cell) Human Homo sapiens Figure link min^-1 113836 Yewdell JW. Not such...
Kinetic and thermodynamic parameters for the folding of proteins that fold with three-state kinetics Various Table - link N/A 114415 Jackson SE. How do small...
Percent of thylakoid proteins with known function involved in protein fate Thale cress Arabidopsis thaliana 11 % 103102 Friso G, Giacomelli L...
Comparison of folding rate constants (KF), activation energy of folding (ΔG[Ea]F), and the entropy barrier (TΔS[F]) for spontaneous and GroEL-ES-assisted refolding of DapA and spontaneous refolding of MsNanA Unspecified Table - link N/A 112599 Georgescauld F et al....