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Property | Organism | Value | Units | ID | Details |
Fraction of genome that is retrotransposon sequences | Grass spp. | Brachypodium distachyon 21.4% rice 26% sorghum 54% wheat >80% | % | 111736 | International Brachypodium... |
Intracellular osmolarity | Chlamydomonas spp. | 85 | osmol/m^3 | 112732 | Raven JA, Doblin MA.... |
Values for hypothetical Ca2+ transporters in coccolith vesicle membrane | Coccolithophore spp. | Table - link | N/A | 112555 | Holtz LM, Thoms S, Langer G... |
Average number of living cryptomonad cells harbored by ciliate | Ciliate spp. | 8 | cryptomonads/cell | 114545 | Esteban GF, Fenchel T... |
Concentration of freshwater ciliates in warm summers | Ciliate spp. | Euplotes daidaleos ≤2,500: Halteria viridis ≤700 | cells/ml | 114555 | Esteban GF, Fenchel T... |
Divergence time between C. elegans and other nematodes | Nematode spp. | C. briggsae and C. remanei 80 - 100: Pristionchus pacificus >200: Trichinella spiralis >600 | Mya | 113610 | Shinn-Thomas JH, Mohler... |
Number of distinctive cell types in most highly differentiated pre-Ediacaran eukaryote (before 635–542 Mya) | Valkyria spp. | ≥6 | distinctive cell types | 113588 | Butterfield NJ, Macr... |
Energy released by GTP hydrolysis in baby hamster kidney (BHK) | Hamster spp. | 11 | Kcal/mol | 112163 | Li G, Qian H. Kinetic... |
Range of genome sizes (Equivalent to Symbiodinium spp. 3×10^6kbp to Prorocentrum micans 245×10^6 kbp) | Dinoflagellates | coral reef symbiont Symbiodinium spp. 1.5-4.8 (average ∼3): Prorocentrum micans 250 | pg DNA/haploid genome | 112817 | Hou Y, Lin S. Distinct... |
Genome size | Bacteriophage Tectiviridae spp. | ~15 | kb | 116999 | Krupovic M, Prangishvili D... |
Genome size | Bacteriophage Leviviridae spp. | ~3.5 | kb | 117002 | Krupovic M, Prangishvili D... |
Growth rate | Plant Rubus spp. | ~8 | cm/day | 113533 | Trewavas A. The foundations... |
General features of the genome of Synechococcus UTEX 2973 compared to genomes of other related cyanobacteria | Cyanobacteria Synechococcus spp. | Table - link | N/A | 112487 | Yu J et al., Synechococcus... |
General characteristics of the genomes of E. intestinalis and other microsporidia | Fungi Microsporidian spp. | Table - link | N/A | 110287 | Corradi N, Pombert JF... |
A comparison of Prochlorococcus cell concentration, growth and mortality rates, carbon production and contribution to the total primary production | Cyanobacteria Prochlorococcus spp. | Table - link | N/A | 112065 | Liu, H.B. Nolla, H.A.... |
Length of bacterial cell filaments that can be grazed by mixotrophic nanoflagellate Ochromonas | Nanoflagellate Ochromonas spp. | ≤14 | µm | 115656 | Young KD. The selective... |
Width of lamellipodium in epithelial keratocytes | Goldfish Carassius spp. | 5 to 15 | μm | 109823 | Theriot JA, Mitchison... |
Summary of model parameters for A. oryzae and A. niger apical compartment length distributions | Fungus Aspergillus spp. | Table - link | N/A | 109213 | Müller C, Spohr AB, Nielsen... |
Estimated synthetic rates in Euglena as a function of light intensity | Protist Euglena spp. | Table - link | N/A | 110196 | Cook JR. Adaptations... |
Length and number of cilia | Ciliate Paramecium spp. | length 100µm - 300µm: number of cilia 5,000 - 6,000 | N/A | 112283 | Martinac B, Saimi Y,... |