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Property | Organism | Value | Units | ID | Details |
Doubling time in a synthetic medium with glucose | Archaea Haloferax volcanii | 6 | Hours | 106684 | Jantzer K, Zerulla K... |
Range of salinities on which growth is possible | Archaea Haloferax volcanii | 12 to 24 | % | 106141 | Allers T. Overexpression... |
Motility speed of archaea Halobacterium halobium | Archaea Halobacterium halobium | 2.94 (±0.34) | µm/sec | 111147 | Marwan W, Alam M, Oesterhelt... |
Cell diameter in culture (largest reported archaea) | Archaea Staphylothermus marinus | ≤15 | μm | 110070 | Schulz HN, Jorgensen... |
Size of disk-shaped cells (smallest reported archaea) | Archaea Thermodiscus spp. | diameter ≥0.2μm: disk-thickness 0.1–0.2μm | μm | 110071 | Schulz HN, Jorgensen... |
Doubling time when grown in glucose mineral medium, pH 3.0 | Bacteria Acidiphilium cryptum | 5.2 (7.6 hours with 300 mM Al2(SO4)3) | Hours | 106583 | Fischer J, Quentmeier A... |
Doubling time when grown in glucose mineral medium, pH 3.5 | Bacteria Acidobacterium capsulatum | 5.6 | Hours | 106584 | Fischer J, Quentmeier A... |
Doubling time of Aag-2 cells (cells that became adapted to E-5 medium) | Yellow fever mosquito Aedes aegypti | 42 | Hours | 106652 | Lan Q, Fallon AM. Small... |
Number of archaea species catalogued in a central database as of 2011 and number of predicted species on Earth | Archaea | Catalogued 502 Predicted 455 Table - link | species | 109322 | Mora C, Tittensor DP... |
Doubling time at 30°C on complex medium (CM) with lactose | Bacteria Lactococcus lactis | 42 | Minutes | 100465 | LeBlanc DJ, Crow VL, Lee LN... |
Doubling time at 30°C on complex medium (CM) with galactose | Bacteria Lactococcus lactis | 52 | Minutes | 105681 | LeBlanc DJ, Crow VL, Lee LN... |
Doubling time of "normal" laboratory haploid strain | Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae | ~90 in YPD [yeast extract peptone dextrose] medium: ~140 in synthetic media | Minutes | 108255 | F. Sherman, Getting started... |
Salinity NaCl concentration growth range | Bacteria Chromohalobacter salexigens | 0.1-4 | M | 102329 | Vargas C, Argandona M... |
Archaeal species, selected features, and genome copy numbers in exponential and stationary growth phases | Archaea | Table - link | N/A | 106687 | Hildenbrand C, Stock T... |
rRNA database of bacteria and archaea | prokaryote | Data base - link | N/A | 104390 | Stoddard SF, Smith BJ... |
Reaction and standard changes in free energies for methanogenesis | Archaea | Table - link | N/A | 104555 | Garcia JL, Patel BK,... |
Free energies and typical organisms of methanogenesis reactions | Archaea | Table - link | N/A | 104548 | Liu Y, Whitman WB. Metabolic... |
Concentration of methanogens in the human gastrointestinal tract | Archaea | 1e+10 | methanogens/gram of stool sample | 106261 | Cavicchioli R, Curmi PM... |
Number of archaeal cells estimated to be in the oceans (approximately one third the number of bacterial cells) | Archaea | 1.3E+28 | Unitless | 106262 | Cavicchioli R, Curmi PM... |
Number of crenarchaeota cells estimated to be in the oceans (20% of all the picoplankton cells) | Archaea | 1E+28 | Unitless | 106264 | Karner MB, DeLong EF... |