Time taken to replicate the chromosome (C period) (see method section for media content)

Range CH medium 50min - S medium 58min Table - link min
Organism Bacteria Bacillus subtilis
Reference Sharpe ME, Hauser PM, Sharpe RG, Errington J. Bacillus subtilis cell cycle as studied by fluorescence microscopy: constancy of cell length at initiation of DNA replication and evidence for active nucleoid partitioning. J Bacteriol. 1998 Feb180(3):547-55. p.549 right column 2nd paragraph p.551 table 2PubMed ID9457856
Primary Source See (ref 15) beneath table
Method P.548 left column 3rd paragraph: "Media and growth conditions: S medium contained (NH4)2SO4 (0.2% w/v), K2HPO4 (1.4%), KH2PO4 (0.6%), sodium citrate (0.1%), Mg2SO4 (0.02%), MnSO4 (0.056%), and glucose (0.5%). TS medium was S medium supplemented with L-glutamate (0.5%) and Difco yeast extract (0.001%). CH medium (which contains 10% casein hydrolysate) was as specified in detail previously (32a modified as described in reference 35). CHG medium was CH medium containing glucose (0.5%). All media were supplemented with tryptophan (20µg/ml)."
Comments P.549 right column 2nd paragraph: "The ratios of chromosomal markers close to oriC and terC in the various cultures were determined by quantitative DNA-DNA hybridization (Table 3), and these values were used to calculate C periods (Table 3). The results were similar to each other, from 50 to 58 min, and were close to previously published values (ref 8). It is interesting that the C period of B. subtilis is significantly longer than that of E. coli (about 42 min over this range of generation times [ref 18]). Thus, DNA replication forks in B. subtilis apparently migrate at only about four-fifths of the rate in E. coli."
Entered by Uri M
ID 111072