Comments |
p.473 left column 5th paragraph: "Cell Cycle Parameters: Nuclear DNA synthesis and mitotic activity followed similar time-courses in the synchronous cultures derived from the three separate cell detachments (Fig. 3a). At 37˚ the cell cycle was found to be ~22 h in duration (as estimated from the second peak of mitotic activity), with the maximum of nuclear DNA synthesis at 15-16 h. The culture samples taken for morphometric analysis (at 0, 3, 7, 11, 16, and 19 h after the plating of mitotic cells, see Fig. 3a), after cell selection by the criteria described above (Materials and Methods), provided early, middle, and late "G1" cell populations (3, 7, and 11 h), an "S" population (16 h), a "G2" population (19 h), and an "M" population (0 h)." |