Number of cells in a culture in exponential growth in glucose-MOPS medium (k=1.0h^-1) at an absorbance (A420) of 1.00

Value 3.28e+8 Cells/ml Range: ±0.06х10^8 Cells/ml
Organism Bacteria Salmonella typhimurium
Reference Neidhardt FC, Bloch PL, Smith DF. Culture medium for enterobacteria. J Bacteriol. 1974 Sep119(3):736-47. p.738 footnote 'a' to table 2PubMed ID4604283
Method A420 readings were obtained with Zeiss Spectrophotometer, model PMQ II, 1-cm light path.
Comments The standard error is based on six determinations.
Entered by Uri M
ID 106839