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Property | Organism | Value | Units | ID | Details |
Mycotoxin contamination in rice | Rice Oryza sativa | Table - link | N/A | 106238 | Tanaka K, Sago Y, Zheng Y... |
Content of photosynthetic electron carriers in Mn treated rice leaves | Rice Oryza sativa | Table - link | N/A | 104489 | Lidon FC, Barreiro MG... |
Pigment content of treated rice leaves | Rice Oryza sativa | Table - link | N/A | 104487 | Lidon FC, Barreiro MG... |
Estimated fraction of genes that encode enzymes of metabolism | Rice Oryza sativa | 25 | % | 105634 | Dixon RA, Strack D. ... |
Physical distance spanned by centromeres | Rice Oryza sativa | 420 to 820 | kb | 108216 | Zhang H, Dawe RK. Total... |
Plastocyanin content in rice leaves treated with 0.125 mg/liter manganese | Rice Oryza sativa | 1.23 | mmol/umol chlorophyll | 104488 | Lidon FC, Barreiro MG... |
homology length in gene-targeting cassette | Rice Oryza sativa | 13.1-6.2 | Kb | 105014 | Terada R, Urawa H, Inagaki Y... |
Average gene length | Rice Oryza sativa | 2.7 | kbp | 105367 | Varshney and Koebner... |
Fraction of genome that is Transposable Elements | Rice Oryza sativa | 16 | % | 103835 | Li W, Zhang P, Fellers JP... |
Fraction of genome that is DNA-Transposons | Rice Oryza sativa | 1.92 | % | 103836 | Li W, Zhang P, Fellers JP... |
Fraction of pre-mRNAs that undergo alternative splicing in rice and Arabidopsis | Plants | 10 to 20 | % | 106743 | Iida K, Go M. Survey... |
Number of protein-coding genes | Thale cress Arabidopsis thaliana | 20568 (Table - link) | Unitless | 105446 | Rice Annotation Project... |
Mutation rate | Plants | Spruce (Picea spp.) 2.2×10^-9: Oryza glaberrima (African rice) 1.8×10^-8 | mutations/base/year | 113650 | Nystedt B et al., The... |
World’s most important crops in terms of total yield in 2004 | Plants | Maize 823: rice 725: wheat 555: soybean 186: barley 142: sorghum 59 | Mt | 109833 | Long SP, Zhu XG, Naidu SL... |
Plasma membrane turnover time of dark grown coleoptile segments | Oat Avena sativa | 200 | min | 105772 | G. D. Phillips, C. Preshaw... |
Fraction of bacteria from four different phyllosphere samples that belong to alphaproteobacteria | Plants | ≤~70 | % | 115370 | Vorholt JA. Microbial... |
Percentage of oat coleoptile cells volume occupied by cytoplasm | Oat Avena sativa | 3.5 | % | 107828 | Owens T, Poole RJ. Regulation... |
Number of protease-coding genes | Plants | in rice >650: in Arabidopsis >800 | genes | 113553 | Demir F, Niedermaier S... |
Length of inverted repeat at the end of insertion sequence (IS) | Generic | 20-40 | bp | 102592 | Calos MP, Miller JH.... |
Bulk methylation statistics for the chloroplast genome of indicated organisms | Eukaryotes | Table - link | % | 113194 | Zemach A, McDaniel IE... |