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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Mass of feces excreted daily Human Homo sapiens 100 - 200 g 112895 Adrian Lee, 1985, Neglected...
Moisture content in feces Human Homo sapiens 26 % 110960 Suau A et al., Direct...
Number of bacterial cells in feces Human Homo sapiens 2.72X10^11±0.1X10^11 cells/g wet weight: 10.6X10^11±0.4X10^11 cells/g dry weight N/A 110961 Suau A et al., Direct...
Excretion products in feces Human Homo sapiens Table - link N/A 102724 Altman, P.L., and Dittmer...
Total microscopic counts in human feces bacteria 3.16e+11 (1.01e+11 - 6.3e+11) organisms/gram wet weight 108513 J. van Houte, R. J. Gibbons...
Volume of average bacterium in feces Human Homo sapiens 1 μm^3 108287 Cummings JH, Stephen...
Percent of human feces that consists of bacteria bacteria ~30 % 108514 J. van Houte, R. J. Gibbons...
Bulk of animal feces containing wet microbial cells bacteria <=40 % 102393 Savage DC. Microbial...
Fraction of wet weight of feces that are bacteria Human Homo sapiens 75 % 112896 Adrian Lee, 1985, Neglected...
Predominant bacterial species isolated from feces Human Homo sapiens Table - link % 112897 Adrian Lee, 1985, Neglected...
Concentration of methanogenic bacteria in feces Mammals swine 10^8: human 10^7: cattle 10^6: rabbit 10^4 bacteria/g dry weight 112898 Sorlini, C., Brusa, T....
Number of bacterial cells in feces according to oligonucleotide probe hybridization Human Homo sapiens 7.1e+11 (±0.2e+11) cells/g dry weight 110962 Suau A et al., Direct...
Estimated number of viral particles in feces Human Homo sapiens ≥1E+9 virus-like particles/gram 110707 Minot S, Bryson A, Chehoud C...
Concentration of anaerobic heterotrophic bacteria in feces Mammals human 10^11: swine 10^11: cattle 10^11: rabbit 10^10 bacteria/g dry weight 112899 Sorlini, C., Brusa, T....
Number of bacteria in orogastrointestinal tract (oral cavity and feces) Human Homo sapiens dental plaque ~10^11bacteria/g: saliva 10^8–10^9bacteria/mL: feces 10^11–10^12bacteria/g N/A 112857 Dueñas M et al., Studies...
Percent of nutrient energy intake lost in feces Human Homo sapiens 4 % 103269 Rolfe DF, Brown GC. Cellular...
Ratio between Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes (F/B ratio) in feces of European and African children bacteria European 2.8±0.06 African 0.47±0.05 unitless 111695 De Filippo C. et al....
Water balance for reference man Human Homo sapiens Table - link ml/day 110332 Snyder WS, Cook MJ, Nasset ES...
Population structure of the uncultured fecal viral community as determined by mathematical modeling Human Homo sapiens Table - link N/A 117018 Breitbart M et al., ...
Viral concentration in gut Human Homo sapiens ≤10^8 viral particles/gram feces 117013 Fortier LC, Sekulovic...