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Property | Organism | Value | Units | ID | Details |
FasL expression in carcinoma cancers | Eukaryotes | Table - link | N/A | 108786 | Du C, Wang Y. The im... |
Median abundance of protein expression | Mammalian tissue culture cell | 170000 | molecules/cell | 111363 | Li et al. (2014), System... |
Arrestin-1 to rhodopsin expression ratio | Unspecified | 0.8 to 1 | Unitless | 106928 | Gurevich VV, Hanson SM... |
Median mutational variance in gene expression | Fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster | 2E-05 | (Substitution/generation)^2 | 105091 | Landry CR, Lemos B, Rifkin SA... |
Median mutational variance in gene expression | Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae | 4.7E-05 | (Substitution/generation)^2 | 105090 | Landry CR, Lemos B, Rifkin SA... |
Interleukin-2 Receptor alpha expression level | Monkey Gibbon spp. | 150 | receptors/cell | 109885 | Ben Aribia MH, Moiré N... |
Time between starvation and expression of meiosis genes | Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae | 12.4 (±2.4) | hours | 102527 | Nachman I, Regev A, ... |
Expression of high affinity IgE receptor on prebasophil | Human Homo sapiens | <=10 | % | 102608 | Yamashita M, Ichikawa A... |
Contribution of mRNA levels in determining protein expression | Mammals | 10 - 40 | % | 111365 | Li et al. (2014), System... |
Basal expression level of genes in mouse macrophages | Mouse Mus musculus | Table - link | N/A | 112436 | Hao S, Baltimore D. RNA... |
Fraction of autosomal genes involved with sexually dimorphic patterns of gene expression | Human Homo sapiens | ≤60 | % | 113475 | Gershoni M, Pietrokovski... |
ORF transcriptome: expression levels, half lives and transcriptional freqency | Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae | Database - link | N/A | 100648 | |
Possible variation in gene expression according to genomic location | Bacteria Escherichia coli | 300 | fold | 112366 | Soler-Bistué A et al.... |
Number of LacI–Venus molecules expressed and number of expression events per cell cycle | Bacteria Escherichia coli | molecules per expression event 2.2±0.05 expression events per cell cycle 2.5±0.04 | N/A | 112062 | Ullman G, Wallden M,... |
Summary of information relevant to translation initiation factor gene expression | Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae | Table - link | N/A | 111265 | von der Haar T, McCarthy... |
Maximal possible rate of gene expression for any given gene | Sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus | 660 | mRNA/hour/cell | 105631 | Howard-Ashby M, Materna SC... |
Longest sustained expression of a pore-forming protein in a liposome | Unspecified | 4 | Days | 106925 | Noireaux V, Libchaber... |
Increase in gene expression for each 1,000 nucleotides of transcription distance | Bacteria Escherichia coli | 40 | % | 107513 | Lim HN, Lee Y, Hussein... |
Parameters related to lacZ expression from Pspc in strain SL106 | Bacteria Escherichia coli | Table - link | N/A | 110061 | Liang ST, Xu YC, Dennis P... |
Level of expression of most protein coding genes in lymphoblastoid cell line GM12878 | Human Homo sapiens | 1 - 50 | protein copies/cell | 111778 | Marinov GK et al., From... |