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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Entropy of Zinc insulin Cow Bos Taurus 9.3 (not stated, probably around 0.1) cal/deg K per amino acid bond (96). 102989 Hutchens JO, Cole AG...
Translational entropy of a molecule Generic ~ 120 J/deg/mol 101280 Structure and Mechanism...
Rotational entropy of a molecule Generic <= 120 J/deg/mol 101281 Structure and Mechanism...
“System-Frame” (SF) entropy components of binding Generic Table - link J/K/mol 112032 Irudayam SJ, Henchman...
Entropy loss by merging two molecules Generic -9 to -45 kJ/mol 111419 Mark S. Searle , Dudley...
Rotational and translational entropy of organic molecule Generic 14 kcal/mole 105020 Andrews PR, Craik DJ...
Entropy changes accompanying cyclization at 298°K Generic Table - link N/A 109150 Page MI, Jencks WP. Entropic...
Predicted and Measured entropy of crystalline Bovine chymotrypsinogen Cow Bos Taurus Table - link eu/mole 107165 Grosz R, Stephanopoulos...
Estimated partial molar entropy of aqueous ribose & aqueous ribose 5-phosphate Generic aqueous ribose 204±20: aqueous ribose 5-phosphate 69 J/mol/K 110585 Robert N. Goldberg and...
Enthalpy and entropy changes of the flagellar motor Bacteria Escherichia coli Table - link N/A 109868 Turner L, Caplan SR,...
ITC (isothermal titration calorimetry) data plotted onto an enthalpy–entropy diagram Generic Figure - link kJ/mol 111405 Klebe G. Applying th...
Losses of translational plus rotational entropy expected for many bimolecular reactions in solution Generic 40 to 50 Entropy units 109148 Page MI, Jencks WP. Entropic...
Total entropy losses of BUT [4-hydroxy-2-butanone], benzamidine, and IPMP [2-methoxy-3-isopropylpyrazine] (TΔSL) Generic ≈ -22 kJ/mol 112033 Irudayam SJ, Henchman...
Contribution of entropy to standard transformed reaction Gibbs energy in majority of reactions Human Homo sapiens <1 kJ/mol 107523 H. S. Haraldsdottir,...
Typical entropy and free-energy contributions from translations, rotations, and vibrations at 298°K Generic Table - link N/A 109149 Page MI, Jencks WP. Entropic...
Catalog of thermochemical measurements at 298.15˚K: equilibrium, enthalpy, and entropy data Generic Table - link N/A 110590 Robert N. Goldberg and...
Equilibrium association constant of lac repressor to operator and entropy change (ΔS) for the binding reaction Bacteria Escherichia coli 1e+13 M^-1 equilibrium constant: ΔS for binding reaction + 90cal/mole/deg N/A 114355 Riggs AD, Bourgeois S...
Deactivation kinetics parameters enthalpy (ΔH), free energy (ΔG), entropy (ΔS) and half-life t1/2 of the purified protease Bacteria Bacillus circulans Table - link N/A 114390 Ch. Subba Rao, T. Sathish...
Empirical elemental formula for biomass Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae C:H(1.613):O(0.557):N(0.158) N/A 101801 von Stockar, U. Liu,...
Rule of thumb for KbT Biosphere 4 pN×nM 101858 Physical Biology of the Cell...