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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Diameter of unmyelinated axon Eukaryotes 0.3 μm 108629 Attwell D, Laughlin SB....
Axon diameter and conduction velocity Monkey fastest axon ~20µm diameter conduct at ~120 m/s: slowest axon ~0.1µm diameter conduct at ~0.3m/s N/A 110607 Harvey A. Swadlow and...
Axon diameter in both vertebrates and invertebrates Various 0.5 to 30 μm 108980 Zalc B, Goujet D, Colman...
Action potential speed in myelinated axon vertebrates 50 to 100 m/sec 108982 Zalc B, Goujet D, Colman...
Mean diameter of soma and of intramedullary axon of triceps surae alpha-motoneuron Cat Felis silvestris catus soma at birth 39.6µm: soma in adult 57.6µm: axon at birth 2.4µm: axon in adult 6.7µm µm 112111 Cullheim S, Ulfhake B....
Density of microtubules in axon cross section Mammalian tissue culture cell 100 Microtubules/µm^2 104881 Edda Thies and Eva-Maria...
Axon diameter in the optic nerve North American opossum Didelphis virginiana myelinated 0.3-6.7µm (mean 1.6µm): unmyelinated 0.2-1.6µm (mean 0.6µm) µm 112118 Kirby MA, Clift-Forsberg L...
Diameter of transport vesicle in axon Unspecified 30 nm 109239 Faisal AA, White JA,...
Diameter of axon or spine neck Unspecified ≤50 nm 112022 Kleinfeld et al., Large-scale...
Diameter of axon above which spontaneous action potentials begin to appear Eukaryotes 0.15 to 0.3 μm 109234 Faisal AA, White JA,...
Diameters of axon above which spontaneous action potentials begin to appear derived by stochastic simulations Eukaryotes mammalian pyramidal cell axon 0.15: squid axon 0.3 μm 109235 Faisal AA, White JA,...
Membrane potential of sodium ion in axon Squid -60 (Table - link) mV 104085 Stein, Wilfred D., Channels...
Rate of mitochondrial transport retrogradely down the axon Mammals 50–100 mm/day 113075 Scott T. Brady, George...
Velocity of action potential in giant axon at 23°C Squid Loligo 33 m/s 108960 Bullock TH, Horridge...
Velocity of action potential in giant axon at 16°C Cuttlefish Sepia 7 m/s 108961 Bullock TH, Horridge...
Ionic concentrations inside and outside squid axon and mammalian muscle cell Metazoa animals Table - link N/A 103650 C.U.M. Smith Biology...
Diameter of axon above which the great majority of axons are myelinated Metazoa animals >0.3 µm 110609 Harvey A. Swadlow and...
Membrane addition rate on axon at growth cone in chick Chicken Gallus gallus ~50 µm^2/min 110855 Dai J, Sheetz MP, Wan X...
Length of local, unmyelinated cabling (axon colaterals) in a cubic millimeter of cortex Mouse Mus musculus ~4 km/mm^3 109246 Faisal AA, White JA,...
Biophysical and physiological parameters used in simulations (squid axon and mammalian pyramidal cell) Metazoa animals Table - link N/A 109242 Faisal AA, White JA,...