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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Number of bird specimens on Earth Biosphere 200 - 400 billion (10^9) birds 116940 Kevin J. Gaston & Tim...
Number of bird species that became extinct in tropical oceania islands in approximately 2000 years, since human colonization Biosphere 1800 bird species 117273 Khan S et al., Overview...
Initiation of sex chromosome evolution Birds >130 Ma (million years ago) 112865 Yazdi HP, Ellegren H....
Number of individual seabirds breeding in Britain Birds 6.67e+6 individual birds 116944 Kevin J. Gaston & Tim...
Half life of DNA in bones Extinct New Zealand moa 521 years 108267 Morten E. Allentoft et al....
Population size (most numerous undomesticated bird on earth) Red-billed quelea Quelea quelea ~1.5 billion individuals 117284 Bennett CE et al., The...
Estimates of the local density of individual birds (number/km^2) of all species at seven forest sites on five continents Birds Table - link individuals/km^2 116942 Kevin J. Gaston & Tim...
Number of migratory birds lost to hunting and trapping in the Mediterranean countries each year Biosphere 1e+9 birds/year 116946 Kevin J. Gaston & Tim...
Number of birds lost to predation by domestic cats in the USA each year according to different sources Biosphere Winkler et al., 80 million birds/year: Walsberg 319 - 638 birds/year 116947 Kevin J. Gaston & Tim...
Number of birds lost to predation by domestic cats each year Biosphere in Britain ≥20 million birds/year: in USA >80 million birds/year 116948 Winkler, K., Fall, B.A....
Domestication date Chicken Gallus gallus ~8,000 years ago 117285 Bennett CE et al., The...
Decrease in bird population size in North America since 1970 Biosphere 29 % 117279 Rosenberg KV et al.,...
Gains and losses across the North American avifauna over the last half century Biosphere Table - link N/A 117280 Rosenberg KV et al.,...
Estimates for the number of individual birds in Africa and the Nearctic with mean density Birds Table - link N/A 116950 Kevin J. Gaston & Tim...
Reproduction cost for female in Charadriiformes Birds clutch may weigh ≤80-90% of female body mass: consume 200% of her calcium unitless 113079 David Ward, Do Polyandrous...
Fraction of bird species that are polyandrous (one female has a number of male mates) Birds <1 % 113078 David Ward, Do Polyandrous...
Speed of fastest animal (peregrine falcon, Falco peregrinus in stoop) Metazoa animals >320 km/hour 112867 Ponitz B, Schmitz A,...
Estimates for the number of individual birds in different countries with mean density Birds Table - link N/A 116943 Kevin J. Gaston & Tim...
Longest recorded non-stop flight in a bird (Alpine swift, Tachymarptis melba) Birds 200 days 112866 Liechti F, Witvliet W...
Fraction of species in breeding avifauna which comprises seabirds Birds in Britain 16 %: globaly ~4 % 116945 Kevin J. Gaston & Tim...