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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
A rhodopsin must collide with a neighbouring rhodopsin every Unspecified 5 - 10 µsec 111002 Liebman, P. A., K. R. Parker...
catalytic rate of rhodopsin in vitro Generic 46 sec^-1 103609 Ernst OP, Gramse V, Kolbe M...
catalytic rate of rhodopsin in vivo Cow Bos Taurus 600-1300 sec^-1 103611 Heck M, Hofmann KP. Maximal...
Rates of rhodopsin regeneration Mouse Mus musculus arrestin-/- mice 0.8%/min: normal mice 1.0%/min %/min 111399 Saari JC. Biochemistry...
Number of rhodopsin molecules in rod photoreceptor cell vertebrates toad ~3×10^9: mammal ~10^8 rhodopsins/rod 111344 F. Rieke and D. A. Baylor...
Time for conversion of rhodopsin to photorhodopsin Cow Bos Taurus 200 fsec 111395 Saari JC. Biochemistry...
Number of molecules of rhodopsin in each rod cell Mammals ~40,000,000 molecules/rod cell 108323 Arnadóttir J, Chalfie...
Quantitive parameters of rhodopsin molecule Mammals Table - link N/A 107889 R. W. Rodieck, The first...
Diffusion coefficient of rhodopsin in rod disk membrane at 20°C Amphibians 0.5 µm^2/sec 111001 Liebman, P. A., K. R. Parker...
Efficiency of photon use in rhodopsin containing membrane prokaryote 8 (Table - link) % 105056 John A. Raven Functional...
Arrestin-1 to rhodopsin expression ratio Unspecified 0.8 to 1 Unitless 106928 Gurevich VV, Hanson SM...
Concentration of rhodopsin in disk membrane of rod photoreceptor cell vertebrates >= (≥25,000) receptors/μm^2 103610 Ernst OP, Gramse V, Kolbe M...
H+ flux across the photochemically active rhodopsin containing membrane prokaryote 0.95 (Table - link) µmol/(m^2×sec) 105053 John A. Raven Functional...
Light saturated specific reaction rate of overall photochemical reaction for rhodopsin H+ pump Green algae Acetabularia acetabulum 7 (Table - link) Sec^-1 105050 John A. Raven Functional...
Area of cross section of rhodopsin in membrane area Cow Bos Taurus 1500 Å^2 103604 Marsh D. Lateral pressure...
Density of photochemical reaction centres in an ion-pumping rhodopsin containing membrane prokaryote 270 nmol/m^2 105044 John A. Raven Functional...
Rate of activation of phosphodiesterase (PDE) catalytic subunits per photoisomerized rhodopsin vertebrates 80 (maximum 90) sec^-1 111005 Leskov, I. B., V. A. Klenchin...
Overview of quantitative PPR [proton-pumping rhodopsin] features prokaryote Table - link N/A 111309 Claassens NJ, Volpers M...
Quantitative comparison of energy transformation in a typical thylakoid membrane and in a rhodopsin membrane Unspecified Table - link N/A 105052 John A. Raven Functional...
Time to wait for a thermal activation of a rhodopsin molecule at 37°C Generic 420 Years 107393 Baylor D. How photons...