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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Number of photoreceptors contained in ocellar retina Cockroach Periplaneta ~10,000 photoreceptors 117186 Mizunami M. Functional...
Velocity of action potential in giant fiber Cockroach Periplaneta 9 to 12 m/s 108972 Bullock TH, Horridge...
Diameter of lens of ocelii (simple eye) Cockroach Periplaneta ~0.7 mm 117185 Mizunami M. Functional...
Velocity of action potential in giant fiber at 10 to 15°C Catfish Ameiurus 50 to 60 m/s 108967 Bullock TH, Horridge...
Velocity of action potential in giant fiber at 20 to 25°C Fish Carp Cyprinus 55 to 63 m/s 108968 Bullock TH, Horridge...
Velocity of action potential in giant fiber at 20°C African lungfish Protopterus 19 m/s 108969 Bullock TH, Horridge...
Velocity of action potential in giant fiber at 20°C Lamprey Entosphenus 5 m/s 108971 Bullock TH, Horridge...
Velocity of action potential in sciatic nerve Frog Rana A fibers 14-50: B1 fibers 8-16: B2 fibers 3-4.5: C fibers 0.3-0.8 m/s 108965 Bullock TH, Horridge...
The giant fiber system-afferent and efferent connections Arthropods Table - link N/A 110603 Theodore Holmes Bullock...
Junctional delays and receptor latencies Metazoa animals Table - link N/A 110598 Theodore Holmes Bullock...
Chitin content of selected crustacean, insects, molluscan organs, and fungi Various Table - link % 115475 Tharanathan RN, Kittur...
Resting and spike potentials Metazoa animals Table - link N/A 110596 Theodore Holmes Bullock...
Velocity of conduction of nerve impulses in selected cases Metazoa animals Table - link N/A 110597 Theodore Holmes Bullock...