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Property | Organism | Value | Units | ID | Details |
Fraction of total fixed ammonia that can be converted to N2O at low but finite O2 concentration | Bacteria Nitrosomonas spp. | ~10 | % | 108054 | Price PB, Sowers T. ... |
Fraction of Pseudomonas spp. & Vibrio spp. out of all isolated bacteria from disease-free & bleached corals, respectively | Coral | Pseudomonas spp. out of disease-free corals 13%: Vibrio spp. out of bleached corals 30% | % | 113024 | Rosenberg E, Koren O... |
Elemental profiles in exponential and stationary phase cultures exposed to different Cu(II) doses | Bacteria Nitrosomonas europaea | Table - link | μM | 106948 | Yu R, Lai B, Vogt S,... |
Reconstructed sugar utilization pathways and newly assigned genes in Shewanella spp. | Bacteria Shewanella spp. | Table - link | N/A | 107281 | Rodionov DA et al., Genomic... |
Length of bacterial cells Cyclidium spp. have difficulty feeding on | Protozoa Cyclidium spp. | >4 - 5 | µm | 115654 | Young KD. The selective... |
Cellular and Rubisco properties of Cyanobium spp. and Synechococcus spp. | Cyanobacteria | Table - link | N/A | 117046 | Whitehead L, Long BM... |
Photosynthetic carbon response parameters of Synechococcus spp. and Cyanobium spp. | Cyanobacteria | Table - link | N/A | 117047 | Whitehead L, Long BM... |
Swimming rate of Gyrodinium spp. | Dinoflagellates | 319 (220 - 360) | µm/sec | 111432 | William G. Hand, Patricia... |
Swimming rate of Gonyaulax spp. | Dinoflagellates | 250 (175 - 325) | µm/sec | 111433 | William G. Hand, Patricia... |
Properties of carboxysomes from Cyanobium spp. and Synechococcus spp. cells grown at high and low CO2 | Cyanobacteria | Table - link | N/A | 117048 | Whitehead L, Long BM... |
Concentration of Plancomycetes bacteria in P3 alkaline compartment of hindgut | Termite Cubitermes spp | 2.6e+9 | cells/ml | 104950 | Köhler T, Stingl U, Meuser K... |
C:N:P molar ratios (±std) of cultures of Fungi and Bacteria | Microbes | Table - link | unitless | 113035 | Céline Mouginot et al.... |
Evidence that uncultured, large, marine sulfur bacteria are vacuolate and tabulation of internal nitrate concentrations | bacteria | Table - link | N/A | 108587 | Kalanetra KM, Huston SL... |
Redox reactions in chemolithotrophic bacteria | bacteria | Table - link | N/A | 104414 | Gerhard Michal, Biochemical... |
Concentration of planctomycetes (a phylum of aquatic bacteria) in P3 alkaline compartment of hindgut | Termite Cubitermes ugandensis | ≤2.6e+9 | planctomycetes/ml | 104952 | Köhler T, Stingl U, Meuser K... |
Daughter cell dimensions (eight or more daughter cells are attached to one another to form short filaments) | Bacteria Simonsiella spp. | with respect to length of the filament 0.5μm - 1.3μm: width 1.9μm to 6.4μm | μm | 115599 | Young KD. The selective... |
Length of rumen ciliates | Ciliate spp. | ~20 - 200 | µm | 112829 | Yokoyama MG, Johnson... |
Maximum speed of marine bacteria | bacteria | maximum community speed 144µm/sec: maximum individual burst velocity 407µm/sec | µm/sec | 112302 | Mitchell JG, Pearson L... |
Number of bacteria in ocean | Biosphere | 1E+29 | Bacteria | 108286 | Lawrence R . Pomeroy... |
Size of rumen bacteria | bacteria | 0.3 to 50 | µm | 112827 | Yokoyama MG, Johnson... |