Speed of red blood cell motion in the developing cardio-vascular system

Range 1 - 10 mm/sec
Organism Mouse Mus musculus
Reference Vermot J, Fraser SE, Liebling M. Fast fluorescence microscopy for imaging the dynamics of embryonic development. HFSP J. 2008 Jun2(3):143-55. doi: 10.2976/1.2907579. p.144 left column 2nd paragraphPubMed ID19404468
Primary Source Jones E AV, Baron M H, Fraser S E, and Dickinson M E (2004). “Measuring hemodynamic changes during mammalian development.” Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol. 287, H1561–H1569.10.1152/ajpheart.00081.2004PubMed ID15155254
Method Primary source abstract:"Here, [investigators] used a fast line-scanning technique for the quantitative analysis of hemodynamics during early organogenesis in mouse embryos, and [they] present a model system for studying cellular responses during the formation and remodeling of the mammalian cardiovascular system."
Comments "Dynamic processes in cellular biology span a broad range of velocities and scales. Some examples of this diversity are the speed of cell migration [140–170 µm/h for neural crest cells (BNID 111506)], telomere motion in yeast [~0.05 µm/sec (BNID 111507)], fast calcium waves [10–50 µm/sec (BNID 111508)], red blood cell motion in the developing cardio-vascular system of rodents [1–10 mm/s (primary source)], and the frequency of beating cilia [3–40 Hz (BNID 111510)."
Entered by Uri M
ID 111509