Partial specific volume of average protein (reciprocal of protein density)

Value 0.73 ml/gram
Organism Generic
Reference Görisch SM, Lichter P, Rippe K. Mobility of multi-subunit complexes in the nucleus: accessibility and dynamics of chromatin subcompartments. Histochem Cell Biol. 2005 Mar123(3):217-28. p.220 right column 2nd paragraphPubMed ID15830242
Primary Source Durchschlag H (1986) Specific volumes of biological macromolecules and some other molecules of biological interest. In: Hinz H-J (ed) Thermodynamic data for biochemistry and biotechnology. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp 45– 128 p.50 bottom paragraph
Comments "The average value of the partial specific protein volume is v=0.73 ml/g (primary source)..." Primary source:"It is obvious that nonprotein components have a significant influence on the value of Vc [calculated partial specific volume (cm^3/g)] only if considerable amounts (>5%) of them are present in the conjugated protein. Deviations, of course, only play a role when Vp?Vnp, as in conjugated systems consisting of proteins (Va˜0.735cm^3/g), carbohydrates (Va˜0.61cm^3/g), lipids (Va˜1cm^3/g), or nucleic acids (Va˜0.54cm^3/g), where Va is the assumed (average) value for the partial specific volume." The partial specific volume or PSV is a measure of the density of the particle using its calculated volume and mass information. The PSV is usually written in terms of milliLiters (mL) per gram (g). partial specific volume is an inverse of density.
Entered by Uri M
ID 104272