Cost in Gibbs free energy of formation of a complex between protein and ligand

Range ~15 - 20 kJ/mol
Organism Generic
Reference Murray, C. W. & Verdonk M. L. The consequences of translational and rotational entropy lost by small molecules on binding to proteins. J. Comput. Aided Mol. Design 16, 741–753 (2002). abstract, p.749 left column bottom paragraph & right column paragraph above bottom, p.750 left column top paragraph, p.752 left column bottom paragraph & right columnPubMed ID12650591
Comments "From the analysis of this data, [researchers] estimate that the barrier to binding, due to the loss of rigid-body entropy, is 15-20 kJ/mol, i.e. around 3 orders of magnitude in affinity at 298 K." "In conclusion, ?G[rigid] varies with the system, but the actual range is probably smaller than that seen in Table 2, because the range in Table 2 is also caused by the approximations in equation (ref 10). On the whole, [researchers] think it is best to adopt 15–20 kJ/mol, i.e. about 3 orders of magnitude in the affinity, as the best estimate of the rigid body rotational and translational barrier to binding, but to realise that it may vary, depending on the types of interactions formed in the complex." "Here [researchers] examine a model system containing a molecular anchor to see if [their] analysis is consistent with these observations. In this analysis, [they] have assumed that ?G[rigid] = 15 - 20 kJ/mol." "Here [researchers] have estimated the entropic barrier to binding to be 15–20 kJ/mol and there may be some value in using this value in future empirical functions." "The paper has outlined a novel analysis to allow the calculation of the rigid body entropic barrier to binding, using the examples on multiple-site binding. This barrier to binding is estimated to be 15–20 kJ/mol (about 3 orders of magnitude in affinity). This estimate is considerably lower than that reported by Page and Jencks (about 45 kJ/mol or 8 orders of magnitude), but still represents a large barrier to binding."
Entered by Uri M
ID 111402