Studies measuring the effect of exercise intervention on average daily metabolic rate (ADMR)
Range | Table - link |
Organism | Human Homo sapiens |
Reference | Westerterp KR. Alterations in energy balance with exercise. Am J Clin Nutr. 1998 Oct68(4):970S-974S. p.972S table 1PubMed ID9771881 |
Primary Source | See refs beneath table |
Method | Doubly labeled water method |
Comments | p.971S left column bottom paragraph:"A few well-controlled studies have measured the effect of exercise intervention on ADMR (Table 1). Additionally, 2 studies have been conducted on the effect of exercise intervention on ADMR in combination with energy restriction in obese subjects (refs 19, 20). The largest effect of exercise on ADMR was measured in 2 studies with jogging as means of increasing physical activity (Table 1)." |
Entered by | Uri M |
ID | 112016 |