Exponential growth rate B and nucleation rate f0 for various conditions in sickle cells

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Organism Unspecified
Reference Cao Z, Ferrone FA. Homogeneous nucleation in sickle hemoglobin: stochastic measurements with a parallel method. Biophys J. 1997 Jan72(1):343-52. p.347 table 1PubMed ID8994619
Method Abstract:"The homogeneous nucleation rate for sickle hemoglobin polymerization has been measured for concentrations from 3.9 to 4.9 mM and temperatures from 13 degrees C to 35 degrees C by observing the stochastic fluctuations of the time to complete 10% of the reaction after photolysis of the carboxy derivative."
Comments p.346 left column 3rd paragraph:"The first 10% of each progress curve was employed to analyze exponential growth, and was fit to the function Y(t) = A exp (Bt) - YO. The exponential growth rate B is a particularly sensitive parameter and thus serves as a valuable control for comparison against the extensive data set of Ferrone et al. (1985b). Fig. 3 shows the concentration dependence of B at four different temperatures. As can be seen, the agreement is excellent. The experimental values are listed in Table 1." P.346 right column 4th paragraph:"Nucleation volume is determined from the product of the photolytic areas, directly measured, times the thickness of the sample, determined by sample absorbance. Volumes are shown in Table 1. Nucleation rates determined for all of the data are shown in Table 1 as well."
Entered by Uri M
ID 111580