Hydrogen bonds with water molecules as acceptors

Range Table - link Å
Organism Generic
Reference Steiner T. The hydrogen bond in the solid state. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2002 Jan 4 41(1):49-76. p.60 table 3PubMed ID12491444
Primary Source See ref beneath table
Comments "Mean distances are listed in Table 3 for fairly linear X-H···O[W] hydrogen bonds (W=water molecule) from 47 X-H donor types (X=O, N, S, and C). If one uses the ranking of distances to define a "donor strength" of X-H, one finds a general ranking O-H>N-H>S-H>C-H. These are only rough categories, however, with strong internal variations. Hydrogen bonds of the strongest C-H types (Cl3CH, C=CH) are clearly shorter on average than those with the weakest N-H donors (C[sp2]-NH2, N-NH2). The ranking within the X-H groups follows a simple rule: basically, the donor strength is increased by neighboring electron-withdrawing groups and reduced by electron-donating groups. In consequence, the ranking of O-H donor strengths is H3O+>O=C-OH>Ph-OH>C[sp3]-OH>H2O>OH-. The difference in mean bond lengths D within this sequence amounts to over 0.7Å! Remember, however, that each of the lines in Table 3 corresponds to a broad histrogram (such as in Figure 11a). The corresponding 95% ranges are normally over 0.3Å broad (last two columns in Table 3), which implies there are large overlapping regions of hydrogen bond geometries between most donor types."
Entered by Uri M
ID 111263