Size of molecules that pass directly between cells through gated gap junction channels

Range <1000 Da
Organism Metazoa animals
Reference Ehrlich HP, Diez T. Role for gap junctional intercellular communications in wound repair. Wound Repair Regen. 2003 Nov-Dec11(6):481-9 abstract and p.482 left column bottom paragraphPubMed ID14617290
Primary Source [8] Yamasaki H et al., Connexins in tumour suppression and cancer therapy. Novartis Found Symp. 1999 219: 241-54 discussion 254-60PubMed ID10207908
Comments Abstract: "Molecules of less than 1000 MW pass directly between cells through gated gap junction channels." P.482 left column bottom paragraph: "Gap junctions are gated channels that when opened form a conduit between cells. They are commonly found in tissues from all multicellular animals. Through these channels a direct exchange of ions, second messages, metabolites, and molecules of less than 1000 MW occurs (primary source)." See Cusato et al., 2003, PMID 12878681, p.6413 right column top paragraph: "Gap junctions are intercellular channels that allow the direct diffusion of small molecules (below ~1 kDa) (Simpson et al., 1977, ref therein)."
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ID 117160