Chain length of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids found in human hair fat

Range 5 - 22 carbon atoms
Organism Human Homo sapiens
Reference Robbins, Clarence R. Chemical composition, pp.39-68, chapter 2 in the book Chemical and physical behavior of human hair / Clarence R. Robbins.-2nd ed (2002) p.60 2nd paragraph
Primary Source [115] Weitkamp, A.W., et al. J. Am. Chern. Soc. 69, 1936 (1938) [116] Gershbein LI, Metcalfe LD. Gas chromatographic analysis of fatty acids of human hair lipids. J Invest Dermatol. 1966 May46(5):477-9PubMed ID25622361
Method Primary source [116] abstract: "Hair lipids pooled according to sex, race and scalp condition have been saponified and the fatty acids up to C22 analyzed by gas chromatography of the esters."
Comments P.60 2nd paragraph: "Saturated and unsaturated fatty acids ranging in chain length from 5 to 22 carbon atoms have been found in human hair fat [primary sources]. Location of the double bond in the unsaturated acids is suggested to occur at the 6,7 position, with some 8,9 and other isomers."
Entered by Uri M
ID 116977