Comments |
p.148 left column top paragraph:"The total number of osteocytes in the human skeleton (42 billion) is
in the same order of magnitude as previous estimates of the number of
neurons in the brain (~86 billion [primary source 39]), and the total length of dendritic
processes in bone (175,000 km) falls in the same range as the total
length of nerve fibres in the human brain (150,000–180,000 km) [primary source 40]
(Table 3). These cells are held within a total organ volume (1.75 L)
that is larger than the average brain volume (1.2 L)." p.148 right column 4th paragraph:" The surface area of the lacuno-canalicular network (Tt.LCN.S) is
large, an estimated total of 215 m^2. This is more than that of a healthy
adult lung (118 m^2) [primary source 62], and much larger than the surface areas
of the gastrointestinal tract (32 m^2) [primary source 63] and the skin (2 m^2) [primary source 64]
(Table 3). This area, and the related but slightly smaller total surface
area of the osteocyte cell bodies, provide a remarkably large interaction
interface for the small volume of extracellular lacuno-canalicular fluid
(24 mL)." |