Number of cytosolic proteins
Range | 2,400 proteins |
Organism | Bacteria Escherichia coli |
Reference | Kerner MJ, Naylor DJ, Ishihama Y, Maier T, Chang HC, Stines AP, Georgopoulos C, Frishman D, Hayer-Hartl M, Mann M, Hartl FU. Proteome-wide analysis of chaperonin-dependent protein folding in Escherichia coli. Cell. 2005 Jul 29 122(2):209-20. p.210 left column 2nd paragraphPubMed ID16051146 |
Comments | "Approximately 250 of the ~2400 cytosolic E. coli proteins interact with GroEL in wild-type cells, and this number increases substantially in cells lacking the upstream chaperones TF and DnaK." |
Entered by | Uri M |
ID | 110575 |