Percent of the mammalian genome that originates from the reverse transcription of RNA

Range ~10 %
Organism Mammals
Reference Derr LK, Strathern JN, Garfinkel DJ. RNA-mediated recombination in S. cerevisiae. Cell. 1991 Oct 18 67(2):355-64. p.355 left column 2nd paragraphPubMed ID1655280
Primary Source Temin, H. M. (1985). Reverse transcription in the eukaryotic genome: retrovirusss, pararetroviruses, retrotransposons, and retrotranscripts. Mol. Biol. Evol. 2, 455-468.PubMed ID2835576
Comments "Sequences that originate from the reverse transcription of RNA comprise roughly 10% of the mammalian genome. These sequences include retroviral and retroviral-like sequences, highly and middle repetitive DNA elements, and processed pseudogenes (primary source)."
Entered by Uri M
ID 110016