Mean thickness of living bacteria from a number of different cultures

Range Table - link
Organism Bacteria Lactobacillus delbrueckii
Reference K.F. A. Ross, The Size of Living Bacteria, December 1957 Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science s3-98, 435-454. p.453 table IV
Method "...[in] the first method, the mean refractive index of the bacilli was measured by immersion refractometry, and the mean phase-retardation through their mid-line was obtained from phase-change measurements on the bacilli mounted in dilute saline. Their mean thickness was calculated from these values. With the second method, phase-change measurements were made on the bacilli mounted in protein mounting media as well as in saline, and the two sets of measurements were used to obtain values for their mean thickness."
Entered by Uri M
ID 109632