Method |
(P.4639 left column 2nd paragraph:)"As the shape of the neuron is ellipsoide, it necessitated the measurements of two axis for an appropriate estimation of the neuron volume. The shortest (Dmin) and largest (Dmax) diameters of cell somata crossing under the angle of 90° were measured in immunocytochemically stained arginine vasopressin (AVP) and oxytocin (OT) neurons with a nucleolus by means of an ocular micrometer. Cell somata volumes (Vcs) were subsequently calculated according to the formula of a prolate spheroid p×a×b^2/6, where a is the Dmax, and b is the Dmin. Cell nucleus volumes (Vcn) were calculated using the formula of the sphere volume 4×r^3/3 (32), where r is the radius of the sphere. Dmin and Dmax as well as the corresponding cell volume were calculated for each neuron separately." |