Value |
Range: Table - link Da
Organism |
Bacteria Escherichia coli |
Reference |
Spahr PF. Amino acid composition of ribosomes from Escherichia coli. J Mol Biol. 1962 May4: 395-406. p.405 table 6PubMed ID13915520
Method |
The average amino acid molecular mass was calculated by averaging the left column of the table: Sum of [(fraction of each amino acid)X(amino acid's molecular mass)]. Note: this value is different than that given by Neidhardt (108 Da), tablelink - link , footnote h, BNID 103890, 104878, 104879, 104880 |
Comments |
"The protein was prepared from the ribosomes in two different ways. In the first, the acetic acid procedure, the protein was extracted by 66% acetic acid in the cold, according to Fraenkel-Conrat (1957) and as described by Waller & Harris (1961) The second method, referred to hereafter as the RNase procedure, made use of the fact that there is a latent RNase in the ribosomes (Elson, 1958) ...Samples of protein or ribosomes were hydrolysed with glass redistilled constant-boiling HCI (0.5 ml. for every 3 mg protein) under nitrogen in sealed Pyrex glass tubes in an oven maintained at 110±1°C for 24 and 72 hr, and, in some cases, for 96 hr." |
Entered by |
Uri M |
ID |
104877 |