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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
In vivo cytoplasm viscosity Unspecified <=2 Centipoise 105903 Ando T, Skolnick J. Crowding...
Viscosity of water η0 at 310K Generic ≈0.7 mPaхsec 108528 Kalwarczyk T, Tabaka M...
Macroscopic viscosity of the cytoplasm ηm Bacteria Escherichia coli 17.5 Paхsec 108527 Kalwarczyk T, Tabaka M...
Viscosity of water at 21°C Generic 0.9779 cP 103392 Eggena P. Activation...
Characteristic membrane viscosity of large phospholipid vesicles Generic ~0.01 pNXsec/μm 110897 Keren K et al., Mechanism...
Typical viscosity of cytoplasm compared to that of water Unspecified 5 - 6 times the viscosity of water 117135 Ashmore J. Cochlear outer...
Relative viscosity of (cytoplasm versus water) according to photobleaching recovery Generic 3.2 (±0.3) unitless 102561 Swaminathan R, Hoang CP...
Surface shear viscosity of lipids in the liquid state Unspecified 10^-6 - 10^-5 dyne×sec/cm 112587 Evan. Evans, David. Needham...
"Rule of thumb" for the viscosity of water Generic 1 centipoise (10mg/cm×sec) 101825 "Physical Biology of...
Increase in viscosity which ions (other than K+) and amino acids generally incur at concentrations typical of intracellular conditions Unspecified 5-15 % increase in viscosity 115854 Theillet FX et al., ...
Viscosity of the sap (typically 5 times greater than that of water) Plants ~5 mPaхs 108683 Kaare H. Jensen & Maciej...
Shear viscosity of intranuclear region of mouse embryonic tissue cell Mammalian tissue culture cell 520 Poise 104279 Tseng Y, Lee JS, Kole TP...
Data used in the construction of the scale-dependent viscosity reference curve (sdVRC) Various Table - link N/A 108524 Kalwarczyk T, Tabaka M...
GFP molar absorbance at excitation maximum Generic 41800 M^-1*cm^-1 102562 Swaminathan R, Hoang CP...
Relaxation time for acyl chain extension Unspecified ≤10^-7 sec 112586 Evan. Evans, David. Needham...
Volume of erythrocyte Elephant sp. 119.7 μm^3 109091 Stone HO, Thompson HK Jr...
Half time for reversible photobleaching of GFP Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) 1.5-5.5 ms 102558 Swaminathan R, Hoang CP...
Lower limit of propulsive forces required for nuclear organelles to undergo processive transport in intranuclear region of mouse embryonic tissue cell Mammalian tissue culture cell 3-15 picoNewton 104281 Tseng Y, Lee JS, Kole TP...
Diffusion coefficients of metabolites in model solution, cytoplasm, and mitochondria Various Table - link N/A 104641 García-Pérez AI, Lóp...
Diffusion coefficient of imidazol- 1-ylacetic acid (IMAC) in erythrocyte cytoplasm Rat Rattus norvegicus 212 (±40 Table - link) µm^2/sec 104646 García-Pérez AI, Lóp...