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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Number of coat protein molecules per viral particle Bacteriophage MS2 180 molecules/particle 109051 Grosjean H, Fiers W....
Estimated carbon content in marine virus particle Virus 0.055 - 0.2 fg carbon/viral particle 112421 Jover LF, Effler TC, Buchan A...
Viral and non-viral components of DOP [dissolved organic phosphorus] in marine surface waters Virus Table - link N/A 112429 Jover LF, Effler TC, Buchan A...
Component of the viral lipidome that are storage lipids Influenza 0.3 mol% 108436 Gerl et al., Quantitative...
Average number of permanent systemic eukaryotic viral infections Human Homo sapiens ≥10 eukaryotic viral infections 113939 Pfeiffer JK, Virgin HW....
Estimated number of viral particles on earth Biosphere 1E+31 viral particles 110706 Minot S, Bryson A, Chehoud C...
Parameters used for the viral elemental composition calculation Virus Table - link N/A 112430 Jover LF, Effler TC, Buchan A...
One of largest known viral genomes Acanthamoeba polyphaga Mimivirus 1181.4 (Table - link) kb 105142 Claverie JM, Ogata H...
Estimated number of viral particles in feces Human Homo sapiens ≥1E+9 virus-like particles/gram 110707 Minot S, Bryson A, Chehoud C...
Total particle diameter Virus Megavirus chilensis 680 nm 109735 Arslan D, Legendre M...
Composition of viral particles, including head and tail Bacteriophage Table - link N/A 112432 Jover LF, Effler TC, Buchan A...
Speed of viral particles in microtubule-dependent movement Unspecified 0.2-2 µm/sec 104712 Arhel N, Genovesio A...
The particle volume and estimated particle dimensions of corn seedling chloroplasts Corn Zea mays Table - link N/A 106535 Orth GM, Cornwell DG....
Number of viral particles that are sufficient for infection with human enteric viruses such as norovirus, rotavirus, and poliovirus Virus <100 viral particles 113940 Pfeiffer JK, Virgin HW....
Virus–like particle (VLP) abundance, prokaryotic abundance and virus-to-prokaryote ratio (VPR) values in aquatic habitats Various Table - link N/A 113945 Parikka KJ, Le Romancer M...
Elemental composition, genome lengths and radii of selected viral heads Bacteriophage Table - link N/A 112426 Jover LF, Effler TC, Buchan A...
Viral doubling time SIV 0.32 (0.26-0.42 Table - link) days 105734 Nowak MA, Lloyd AL, Vasquez...
Viral doubling time HIV 0.46 (±0.19) days 105732 Stafford MA, Corey L...
Viral expansion rate SIV 2.2 (1.7-2.7 Table - link) 1/day 105733 Nowak MA, Lloyd AL, Vasquez...
Viral reads classification Virus Table - link N/A 110702 Popgeorgiev N et al....