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Property | Organism | Value | Units | ID | Details |
Kinetic parameters for amino acid transport under various conditions | Bacteria Escherichia coli | Table - link | N/A | 112481 | Robertson DE, Kaczorowski GJ... |
Fraction of proteins that are phosphorylated | Human Homo sapiens | >30 | % | 111947 | Macek B. The serine/... |
Time for keratinocytes of the epidermis to differentiate and reach skin surface | Mammals | 14 | days | 111965 | Ovaere P, Lippens S,... |
Rate constant of acetylcholinesterase (ACHE) | Unspecified | 16000 | Sec^-1 | 109216 | Monika Fuxreiter and... |
Typical signal peptide length in Gram positive bacteria | bacteria | <100 | amino acids/peptide | 112000 | Pai A, You L: Optimal... |
Percent of selenocysteine incorporated to protein after being mutagenized to code cysteine | Bacteria Escherichia coli | 10 | % | 102614 | Zinoni F, Birkmann A... |
Number of residues in conserved POU-specific domain (of the POU class of transcription factors) | Unspecified | ~70 | amino acids | 116973 | Bürglin TR, Affolter... |
Time after Connexin43 (Cx43) has been synthesized that it can be phosphorylated in cultured vole fibroblast cells | Mammalian tissue culture cell | by 15 | minutes of synthesis | 117149 | Lampe PD, Lau AF. Regulation... |
Degradation rate of the homoserine lactone 3-Oxo-C6-AHL in vitro | bacteria | ~0.0003 | 1/min | 111994 | Weber M, Buceta J. Noise... |
Degradation rate of the homoserine lactone 3-Oxo-C6-AHL in vivo | bacteria | ~0.005 - ~0.02 | 1/min | 111995 | Weber M, Buceta J. Noise... |
Critical concentration of autoinducer needed for the activation of the quorum sensing (QS) genes in most bacterial species | bacteria | 10 - 50 | nM | 111993 | Weber M, Buceta J. Noise... |
Primary assimilation processes in the methylotrophic network | Methylobacterium extorquens | Table - link | N/A | 114583 | Peyraud R, Schneider K... |
Number of classes of sensory proteins | Bacteria Escherichia coli | >=6 | Classes | 106601 | Michael Y. Galperin Sensory... |
Intestinal absorption of methionine | Human Homo sapiens | 93 (±4) | % | 102129 | Adibi SA, Gray SJ, Menden... |
Intestinal absorption of Isoleucine | Human Homo sapiens | 90.3 (±4.7) | % | 102130 | Adibi SA, Gray SJ, Menden... |
Intestinal absorption of Leucine | Human Homo sapiens | 89.7 (±6) | % | 102131 | Adibi SA, Gray SJ, Menden... |
Intestinal absorption of Valine | Human Homo sapiens | 85.3 (±6.3) | % | 102132 | Adibi SA, Gray SJ, Menden... |
Intestinal absorption of Proline | Human Homo sapiens | 77.7 (±5) | % | 102133 | Adibi SA, Gray SJ, Menden... |
Intestinal absorption of Tryptophan | Human Homo sapiens | 75.7 (±3.7) | % | 102139 | Adibi SA, Gray SJ, Menden... |
Intestinal absorption of Glycine | Human Homo sapiens | 53.3 (±6.7) | % | 102140 | Adibi SA, Gray SJ, Menden... |