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Property | Organism | Value | Units | ID | Details |
Serine abundance | Bacteria Escherichia coli | 4 | % | 100640 | Physiology of the Bacterial... |
Fate of serine flux | Bacteria Escherichia coli | 50.7% pyruvate: 6.5% cell biomass: 36.3% glycine synthesis: remainder for other metabolites | % of serine | 111287 | Selvarasu S. et al.,... |
Uptake rate of serine during exponential growth phase | Bacteria Escherichia coli | 3.35 | mmole/((g dry weight)×hour) | 111286 | Selvarasu S. et al.,... |
Intestinal absorption of Serine | Human Homo sapiens | 69.3 (±6.3) | % | 102213 | Adibi SA, Gray SJ, Menden... |
Transport rate constant of AHL (acyl homo-serine lactone) | Bacteria Vibrio fischeri | 0.05 | 1/sec | 112003 | Pai A, You L: Optimal... |
Concentration of 3OHC14-HSL (3OHC14-homo-serine lactone) for starvation response | Bacteria Rhizobium leguminosarum | 300 - 600 | nM | 112011 | Pai A, You L: Optimal... |
Synthesis and degradation rate constant of 3OHC14-HSL (3OHC14-homo-serine lactone) | Bacteria Rhizobium leguminosarum | synthesis rate 3,000nM/hr: degradation rate 0.017/hour | N/A | 112010 | Pai A, You L: Optimal... |
Sources of nucleotide carbon if glucose, glutamine, and serine are assumed to be the sole carbon sources | Mammalian tissue culture cell | glucose 60%-80%: glutamine 10%-20%: serine ~15% | % | 116052 | Hosios AM et al., Amino... |
Half maximal induction of quorum sensing by C4-HSL (C4-homo-serine lactone) | Bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa | 2.5 | µM | 112009 | Pai A, You L: Optimal... |
Half maximal induction of quorum sensing by 3OC6-HSL (3OC6-homo-serine lactone) | Bacteria Vibrio fischeri | 25 - 50 | nM | 112007 | Pai A, You L: Optimal... |
Synthesis and degradation rate constant of C4-HSL (C4-homo-serine lactone) | Bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa | synthesis rate 48,000nM/hr: degradation rate 0.0133/hour | N/A | 112008 | Pai A, You L: Optimal... |
Ratio of proteins that are serine/threonine/tyrosine phosphorylated | Various | Bacillus subtilis Ser/Thr/Tyr 70:20:10 Human HeLa cell culture Ser/Thr/Tyr 86:12:2 | N/A | 111946 | Macek B. The serine/... |
kcat of VSPase (a glutamate-specific serine protease) | Bacteria Staphylococcus aureus | 44.4 (±2.66) | 1/sec | 107809 | Park JW, Park JE, Park JK... |
Synthesis and degradation rate constant of C8-HSL (C8-homo-serine lactone) in the ain system | Bacteria Vibrio fischeri | synthesis rate 7,100nM/hr: degradation rate 0.53/hour | N/A | 112004 | Pai A, You L: Optimal... |
Synthesis and degradation rate constant of 3OC6-HSL (3OC6-homo-serine lactone) in the lux system | Bacteria Vibrio fischeri | synthesis rate 3,300nM/hr: degradation rate 0.108/hour | N/A | 112005 | Pai A, You L: Optimal... |
Percent of the carbon assimilated that is converted to serine or its intermediates during growth on glucose | Bacteria Escherichia coli | 15 | % | 109089 | Han MJ, Jeong KJ, Yoo JS... |
Intracellular serine concentration in glucose-fed, exponentially growing E. coli | Bacteria Escherichia coli | 68 (Table - link) | µM | 100163 | Bennett BD, Kimball EH... |
Comparison of growth rates and relative resistance levels to four different “Serine-type” PSII herbicides | Green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii | Table - link | hours^-1 | 116798 | Britta Förster, Peter... |
Representative examples for glutamic acid and serine concentrations measured in identified isolated neurons from the A. californica CNS | California sea hare Aplysia californica | Table - link | N/A | 106604 | Nemes P, Knolhoff AM... |
Phosphoamino content ratio of a vertebrate cell | Vertebrates | pSer 1800: pThr 200: pTyr 1 | N/A | 105737 | Mann M, Ong SE, Grønborg M... |