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Property | Organism | Value | Units | ID | Details |
Farction of genome that is transposable elements | Wheat Triticum aestivum | 68 | % | 103847 | Li W, Zhang P, Fellers JP... |
Percent of genome that is transposable elements | Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae | 3.1 | % | 103831 | Kim JM, Vanguri S, Boeke JD... |
Fraction of genome that is Transposable Elements | Rice Oryza sativa | 16 | % | 103835 | Li W, Zhang P, Fellers JP... |
Fraction of genome that is transposable elements | Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans | 6.5 | % | 103842 | International Human Genome... |
Fraction of genome that is transposable elements | Fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster | 3.1 | % | 103841 | International Human Genome... |
Percent of genome that is transposable elements | Thale cress Arabidopsis thaliana | 10.5 | % | 103843 | International Human Genome... |
Fraction of genome that is transposable elements | Human Homo sapiens | 46 (Table - link) | % | 103749 | Heikki Vilen, Mu in vitro... |
Fraction of genome that is LINE/SINE transposable elements | Human Homo sapiens | 33.4 (Table - link) | % | 103846 | International Human Genome... |
Percent of genome that is LINE/SINE transposable elements | Fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster | 0.7 (Table - link) | % | 103852 | International Human Genome... |
Four types of transposable elements that constitute almost half of the human genome | Human Homo sapiens | Table - link | N/A | 106934 | Benjamin Lewin, Genes IX 2008... |
Frequency of reversion to normal gene function after insertion of transposable element | prokaryote | 10^-6-10^-9 | fold | 102594 | Calos MP, Miller JH.... |
Transposable element percent of genome | Fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe | 0.35 (Table - link) | % | 103850 | Heikki Vilen, Mu in vitro... |
Transposable element percent of genome | Bacteria Escherichia coli | 2 (Table - link) | % | 103849 | Heikki Vilen, Mu in vitro... |
Fraction of transposable element out of genome | Chicken Gallus gallus | 9 (Table - link) | % | 103851 | Heikki Vilen, Mu in vitro... |
Transposable element contents of some model organisms | Various | Table - link | N/A | 103848 | Heikki Vilen, Mu in vitro... |
Number of estrogen response elements (ERE) in genome | Human Homo sapiens | ~1,000,000 | EREs | 107082 | Zaret KS, Carroll JS.... |
Essential elements in humans | Human Homo sapiens | Table - link | N/A | 107486 | Editor: Dr. Robert A. Meyers... |
Ratio of solo-LTR [Long terminal repeat] to complete elements | Plants | Picea abies ~1:9: Arabidopsis thaliana 1:1: rice 0.6:1: barley 16:1 | unitless | 113651 | Nystedt B et al., The... |
Length of inverted repeat at the end of insertion sequence (IS) | Generic | 20-40 | bp | 102592 | Calos MP, Miller JH.... |
Increase in frequency of deletions after insertion of IS1 | Bacteria Escherichia coli | 100-1000 | fold | 102593 | Calos MP, Miller JH.... |