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Property | Organism | Value | Units | ID | Details |
Ratio between cones (in the foveola), midget bipolars and midget ganglion cells (in the fovea walls) | Primates | cones:midget bipolars:midget ganglion cells=1:2:2 | unitless | 117190 | Bringmann A. Structure... |
Highest density of cones at center of the fovea | Human Homo sapiens | 147000 (96900-281000) | cones/mm^2 | 105344 | Helga Kolb, Eduardo Fernandez... |
Visual angle of familiar objects | Human Homo sapiens | Sun or moon 0.5°: Thumbnail (at arm's length) 1.5°: Fist (at arm's length) 8°-10° | N/A | 105350 | John Moran eye center... |
Number of ATP hydrolysed to transmit a graded signals in an interneuron | Blowfly Calliphora vicina | 1000000-10000000 | Unitless | 103554 | Laughlin SB, de Ruyter... |
Size of receptive field of (retinal) horizontal cells | Vertebrates | 25 | times the size of an individual cell's dendritic arbor | 117169 | Bloomfield SA, Völgyi... |
Response properties of rod cells with maximal responses >=18pA | Macaque Macaca fascicularis | Table - link | N/A | 107385 | Baylor DA, Nunn BJ, Schnapf... |
Number of photoisomerizations caused by steady light that reduced the flash sensitivity to half the dark-adapted value | Macaque Macaca fascicularis | ~100 | Photoisomerizations/sec | 107386 | Baylor DA, Nunn BJ, Schnapf... |
Peak amplitude of unit quantal event | Macaque Macaca fascicularis | 0.7 | pA | 107387 | Baylor DA, Nunn BJ, Schnapf... |
Integration time of the response to a dim flash | Macaque Macaca fascicularis | ~250 | ms | 107388 | Baylor DA, Nunn BJ, Schnapf... |
Dark rate of discrete noise events in rod | Macaque Macaca fascicularis | 0.0063 | sec^-1 | 107389 | Baylor DA, Nunn BJ, Schnapf... |
Dimensions of optic nerve head | Human Homo sapiens | 1.86mm×1.75mm | N/A | 105342 | John Moran eye center... |
Distance between eyes | Human Homo sapiens | 6 | cm | 105348 | John Moran eye center... |
Pupil diameter | Human Homo sapiens | 1-8 | mm | 105349 | John Moran eye center... |
Length of fibres of Henle for foveal cones | Human Homo sapiens | 125 to 260 | μm | 109684 | Perry VH, Cowey A. The... |
Comparison of light detection by rod photoreceptors, cone photoreceptors, photomultiplier tubes (PMT), and charge-coupled devices (CCD) | Unspecified | Table - link | N/A | 111345 | F. Rieke and D. A. Baylor... |
Amount of photons necessary to excite a cone | Human Homo sapiens | 100 | unitless | 100710 | Brain Facts and Figures... |
Regeneration of visual pigments to achieve complete dark adaptation | Human Homo sapiens | ~40 | min | 111394 | Saari JC. Biochemistry... |
Fraction of discernible colors perceived by dichromats out of those perceived by normal trichromats | Human Homo sapiens | 7 | % | 107062 | Linhares JM, Pinto PD... |
Number of fibers in human optic nerve | Human Homo sapiens | 1.2e+6 | unitless | 100696 | Balazsi AG, Rootman J... |
Diameter of retinal ganglion cell | African Elephant Loxodonta africana | 26.5 (14 to 65 ) | μm | 109092 | Pettigrew JD, Bhagwandin A... |