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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Red blood cell lifespan Human Homo sapiens 115 (70 - 140) days 112478 Franco RS. Measurement...
Red blood cell diameter Mouse Mus musculus 6 (Database - link) µm 102927 T. Ryan Gregory, 2001-2005....
Red blood cell diameter Rat Rattus norvegicus 6.5 µm 102928 http://www.genomesiz...
Red blood cell diameter African clawed frog Xenopus laevis 14.7 µm 102924 http://www.genomesiz...
Red blood cell diameter Cow Bos Taurus 5.84 µm 102926 http://www.genomesiz...
Red blood cell diameter Human Homo sapiens 7.7 (Database - link) µm 108239 T. Ryan Gregory, 2001-2005....
Lifespan of red blood cell Human Homo sapiens ~127 days 107875 Shemin D, Rittenberg...
Size of red blood cell Unspecified 5 to 7 Table - link μm 108935 EMD Millipore: Intro...
Mean red blood cell density Human Homo sapiens 1.094 kg/L 101703 Raftos JE, Lew VL, Flatman...
Rate of red blood cell replacement in sickle cell disease mouse Mouse Mus musculus 65e+8 to 100e+8 Cells/day 104866 de Jong K, Emerson RK...
Red blood cell dimensions (elliptical shape) Chicken Gallus gallus 7.3 short diameter: 12.1 long diameter µm 102925 http://www.genomesiz...
Surface area of red blood cell Human Homo sapiens 140 μm^2 107602 Ballas SK. Erythrocyte...
'Skin' thickness of red blood cell Mammals 20 nm 101802 Cell movements - from...
Thickness (height) of red blood cell Human Homo sapiens 2 µm 100799 Optimality principles...
Database of red blood cell sizes Various Database - link N/A 102754 http://www.genomesiz...
Rate of red blood cell replacement Mouse Mus musculus 4.6e+8 Cells/day 104865 de Jong K, Emerson RK...
Urea permeability of red blood cell Human Homo sapiens 1.9e-4 cm/sec 110835 Wood RE, Wirth FP Jr...
Macromolecular concentration inside a red blood cell Human Homo sapiens ~350 mg/mL 107694 Adrian H. Elcock and...
Mean age of red blood cell (RBC) Human Homo sapiens diabetic subjects 47.9±6.0 (range 39-56): nondiabetic controls 50.7±6.9 (range 38-60) days 112491 Cohen RM et al., Red...
Concentration of haemoglobin in red blood cell Vertebrates 350 g/L 107470 Ellis RJ. Macromolecular...