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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Number of bacterial species and phage strains in eutrophic estuarine water according to a popular model Biosphere different bacterial species 10 - 50: different phage strains 100 - 300 N/A 117024 Chibani-Chennoufi S,...
Time for ejection of genome into host cell for phage like λ and T4 Bacteriophage ≤1 min 111587 Purohit PK et al., Forces...
Number of phage particles that is adequate to induce replication and therapeutic action at bacterial infections Bacteriophage 100 - 1,000 plaque forming units (PFU) 113977 Rios AC et al., Alternatives...
Ratio between number of beta-galactosidase proteins produced per E. Coli RNAP transcript and T7 phage RNAP transcript Bacteria Escherichia coli 100 Unitless 102081 Benno Muller-hill, 1996...
Late promoter activity, lysis time, burst size, assembly rate, and growth rate of phage lambda Bacteriophage Lambda Table - link N/A 105027 Shao Y, Wang IN. Effect...
Equilibrium dissociation constant for specific binding of RNAP to phage T7 promoter Bacteria Escherichia coli 3 nM 103592 Bintu L, Buchler NE,...
Concentration of phages Biosphere per liter of surface seawater ~10^10: per g of sediment or topsoil 10^7 to 10^9 phages 112573 Rohwer F, Edwards R....
Estimated amount of DNA transduced by phages in ocean Biosphere 10^25 to 10^28 bp of DNA/year 112574 Rohwer F, Edwards R....
Elemental composition, genome lengths and radii of selected viral heads Bacteriophage Table - link N/A 112426 Jover LF, Effler TC, Buchan A...
Frequency of resistance to Staphyloccocus aureus-specific phages in mice Bacteria Staphylococcus aureus 1.3E-08 (±4.16E-09) unitless 112570 Capparelli R, Parlato M...
Rates of spontaneous mutation in DNA-based microbes Various Table - link N/A 103918 Drake JW, A constant...
Time to transport the 169-kbp genome into the cell cytoplasm Bacteriophage T4 30 sec 112413 Choi KH et al., Insight...
Bacteriophage concentration in cheese factories using Lactococcus lactis Bacteriophage ≤10^9 phage per ml of whey: ≤10^5 phage per m^3 in the air N/A 117028 Chibani-Chennoufi S,...
Low concentration of virus host-cells that some marine viruses replicated efficiently in Biosphere 1000 specific host cells/ml 117038 Chibani-Chennoufi S,...
Bacterial population in near coastal water (distributed over 100 different bacterial host species) Biosphere 1e+6 cells/ml 117030 Chibani-Chennoufi S,...
Ejection time of DNA Bacteriophage Lambda in vitro ≤10sec: into bacteria (E. coli) 5.2±4.2min N/A 112341 Van Valen D et al., A...
Total number of virus particles and bacteria in samples from various locations Various Table - link N/A 112577 Bergh O, Børsheim KY...
Concentration of viruses in natural waters during productive part of year Biosphere 5×10^6 - 15×10^6 viruses/ml 112576 Bergh O, Børsheim KY...
Time, after infection with T-even bacteriophage, within which the nucleoids of the bacteria undergo "nuclear disruption" Bacteria Escherichia coli within 2 - 3 minutes 114790 Parson KA, Snustad DP....
Decay rates of various phages Bacteriophage 0.037 to 0.520 Table - link Days 106231 De Paepe M, Taddei F....