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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Number of neurotransmitter molecules in vesicle Rat Rattus norvegicus noradrenaline ~37,000: dopamine ~14,000 neurotransmitter molecules/vesicle 111046 Courtney NA, Ford CP....
Number of neurotransmitter transporters in typical synaptic vesicle Rat Rattus norvegicus 9-14 copies/vesicle 102739 Takamori S et al., Molecular...
Number of neurotransmitter molecules in typical synaptic vesicle (at 150 mM) Rat Rattus norvegicus 1790 copies/vesicle 102777 Takamori S. et al., Molecular...
Postsynaptic area activated by a quantum of neurotransmitter Vertebrates <2 µm^2 107299 Scimemi A, Beato M. ...
Number of molecules of neurotransmitter in one synaptic vesicle Unspecified 5000 unitless 100722 http://faculty.washi...
Number of calcium ions required to release neurotransmitter vesicle at presynaptic cleft vertebrates 200-13,000 Calcium ions/released vesicle 103549 Laughlin SB, de Ruyter...
Recycling time of synaptic vesicles Rat Rattus norvegicus 1 to 2 Sec 107303 Scimemi A, Beato M. ...
Fraction of action potentials that trigger release from most presynaptic nerve terminals Unspecified 10 - 20 % of action potentials 111277 Sudhof TC. The synaptic...
Serotonin content Plant Plantain Musa 30 (±7.5 Table - link) µg/g 102689 Feldman JM, Lee EM. Serotonin...
Amount of acetylcholine (ACh) released per presynaptic nerve stimulation at the neuromuscular junction Unspecified 1E-15 mmoles 107298 Scimemi A, Beato M. ...
Number of acetylcholine receptors per end plate Mouse Mus musculus 3e+7 receptors/end plate 115054 Krnjević, K. "Chemical...
Concentration of dopamine in midbrain neurons Rat Rattus norvegicus 300 mM 107301 Scimemi A, Beato M. ...
Vesicular concentration of catecholamine in chromaffin cells Cow Bos Taurus 190 to 300 mM 107300 Scimemi A, Beato M. ...
Concentration of glutamate in synaptic vesicles Rat Rattus norvegicus ~60 mM 107302 Scimemi A, Beato M. ...
Recycling time of synaptic vesicles in clathrin-mediated endocytic pathways Eukaryotes 15 to 20 Sec 107304 Scimemi A, Beato M. ...
Number of synapsins in typical synaptic vesicle Rat Rattus norvegicus 8 copies/vesicle 102768 Takamori S et al., Molecular...
Normal plasma norepinephrine and epinephrine concentrations Human Homo sapiens Table - link pg/ml 113137 Cryer PE. Isotope-derivative...
Number of different proteins in postsynaptic density (PSD) Rodent 200 to >1,000 different proteins 112018 O'Rourke NA, Weiler NC...
Rate constant of acetylcholinesterase (ACHE) Unspecified 16000 Sec^-1 109216 Monika Fuxreiter and...
Estimated date when first 5-HT (serotonin) receptors have appeared in single-celled eukaryotes, such as paramecia Eukaryotes 700 - 800 Mya 113117 Rut Vleugels, Heleen...