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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Electric potential of mitochondria due to concentration gradient Mitochondria 180 mV 106148 Liberman EA, Topaly VP...
Date of divergence of bacteria Rickettsiaceae and mitochondria Mitochondria 1780 (±170) Mya 113207 Emelyanov VV. Mitochondrial...
Molecular mass of molecules that can diffuse freely through porins in mitochondrial membrane Mitochondria <=5000 Daltons 103110 Lodish et al, Molecular...
Electric potential across mitochondrial membrane Mitochondria 175 (±4.33) mV 101102 Valdameri G, Herrerias T...
Total proton motive force across the membrane of a respiring mitchondria Mitochondria 172 (±12 Table - link) mV 101103 Mollica MP, Iossa S,...
delta pH across the inner membrane of a respiring mitchondria Mitochondria 1 pH units 101104 Molecular Cell Biology...
Length of disordered loop regions in the Bcl-2 family of proteins Mitochondria ~50 residues 116237 Theillet FX et al., ...
VDAC1 (voltage-dependent anion channel 1) selectivity in physiological salt concentrations Mitochondria ~5 Cl−/K+ 116876 Choudhary OP, Paz A,...
Decrease in conductance of voltage-dependent anion channel 1 (VDAC1) in the presence of ATP Mitochondria 42 % 116637 Choudhary OP, Paz A,...
Diffusion coefficient of ATP in voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) Mitochondria 16 - 33 µm^2/sec 116638 Rostovtseva TK, Bezrukov...
Rate of ATP passage in voltage-dependent anion channel 1 (VDAC1) under physiological conditions Mitochondria ≤100000 ATP/sec 116548 Choudhary OP, Paz A,...
Rate of ATP passage in voltage-dependent anion channel 1 (VDAC1) in the absence of a membrane potential in vitro Mitochondria millions (of) ATP/sec 116550 Choudhary OP, Paz A,...
Fraction of bacterial-like mitochondrial proteins that are not endosymbiotic in origin Mitochondria ≤75 % 113208 Emelyanov VV. Mitochondrial...
Length of ‘matrix-targeting signals’ (MTSs), presequences both necessary and sufficient for mitochondrial targeting Mitochondria 20-60 amino acid residues 113209 Herrmann JM, Neupert...
Mitochondria volume Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Haploid strain 0.16: Diploid strain 0.14 μm^3 109397 Posakony JW, England JM...
Mitochondria length Mammalian tissue culture cell 1 µm 100436 Roskams and Rodgers,...
Mitochondria volume Mammalian tissue culture cell 0.5 µm^3 100438 Roskams and Rodgers,...
Dimensions of mitochondria Various Table - link N/A 101942 Amazing numbers in biology...
Fraction of total amount of skeletal muscle mitochondria that are Sub-sarcolemmal (SS) mitochondria Rat Rattus norvegicus 25 - 30 % 112463 Menshikova EV et al....
Ca2+ uptake to mitochondria bacteria 100 μmoles/g of mitochondrial protein 109122 Harold FM. Conservation...