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Property | Organism | Value | Units | ID | Details |
Total circulating lymphocytes and B lymphocytes | Human Homo sapiens | Table - link | ×10^3 cells/ml blood | 111625 | Dohi K, Kraemer WJ, Mastro... |
Naive & memory lymphocytes divide every: | Human Homo sapiens | naive lymphocytes 3.5 years: memory lymphocytes 22 weeks: Table - link | N/A | 111622 | Mclean AR, Michie CA.... |
Number of lymphocytes in young tadpole | Frog | 1e+6 | lymphocytes | 109933 | Alan S. Perelson, Ge´rard... |
Number of lymphocytes in body | Mammals | Human 1e+12: Mouse 1e+8 | lymphocytes/body | 109928 | Alan S. Perelson, Ge´rard... |
Number of CD8 T lymphocytes | Mouse Mus musculus | ≈2×10^7 | cells | 111623 | Lonchay C et al., Correlation... |
Blood transit time of exchangeable lymphocytes | Human Homo sapiens | patients with Hodgkin's disease 37±18: other patients 26±6 | min | 113431 | Schick P, et al., Au... |
Proportion of short-lived small lymphocytes | Human Homo sapiens | in haematologically normal tumor patients ~10%: in patients with active Hodgkin's disease 13.5%-55% | % | 113432 | Schick P, et al., Au... |
Concentration of lymphocytes in lymphoid organs | Rat Rattus norvegicus | mesenteric lymph node (GMM) 1.1×10^6: spleen 2.0×10^6: thymus 3.6×10^6 | cells/mg wet weight | 113198 | Everett NB, Caffrey RW... |
Diameter of peripheral blood lymphocytes | Human Homo sapiens | 7.3 (6.8-7.8) | µm | 100507 | Kuse R, Schuster S, Schübbe H... |
Number of lymphocytes and their mean blood transit time | Human Homo sapiens | ~10^10 lymphocytes: lymphocytes' mean blood transit time 25±6 min | lymphocytes/day | 113430 | Pabst R. The spleen in... |
Rate of lymphocytes exchange between blood and spleen | Rat Rattus norvegicus | ~8×10^7 | lymphocytes/hour | 113422 | Pabst R. The spleen in... |
"Spontaneous" mutation frequency in normal and malignant lymphocytes | Human Homo sapiens | Table - link | N/A | 112660 | Seshadri R, Kutlaca RJ... |
Number of lymphocytes in a normal young adult man | Human Homo sapiens | 4.6e+11 (Table - link) | Lymphocytes/body | 111351 | Trepel F (1974) Number... |
Mean lifespan of short-lived small blood lymphocytes | Mammals | in rats and in haematologically normal man 4-7days: in patients with Hodgkin's disease 2.5-5.5days | days | 113433 | Schick P, et al., Au... |
Estimated number of CD8 T lymphocytes | Human Homo sapiens | 4e+10 | cells | 111624 | Lonchay C et al., Correlation... |
Percentage of normal human lymphocytes that are aneuploid | Human Homo sapiens | 3 (1-7) | % per chromosome | 105285 | Lengauer C, Kinzler KW... |
Number and distribution of lymphocytes. Estimate in a normal young adult man | Human Homo sapiens | Table - link | N/A | 111350 | Trepel F (1974) Number... |
Rate of generation of TG[R] (thioguanine-resistant) mutants in normal and malignant lymphocytes | Human Homo sapiens | Table - link | N/A | 112661 | Seshadri R, Kutlaca RJ... |
Concentration of spermidine in bovine lymphocytes and rat liver cells | Mammals | ~1 | mM | 115813 | Theillet FX et al., ... |
Number of lymphocytes in body (for total number of cells in body, 3e+13, see BNIDS 113005, 113006) | Human Homo sapiens | ~2e+12 | cells | 103587 | Alberts, Bruce Alexander... |