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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Concentration of haemoglobin in red blood cell Vertebrates 350 g/L 107470 Ellis RJ. Macromolecular...
Amount of haemoglobin in erythrocyte Human Homo sapiens 2.7e+8 Copies/cell 102740 Pierigè F, Serafini S...
Amount of complete (tetramer) haemoglobin in erythrocyte Mouse Mus musculus 2.8e+8 molecules/cell 102292 Voon HP, Vadolas J. ...
Hill coefficient for oxygen affinity to haemoglobin Generic 2.8 unitless 103169 Milo R, Hou JH, Springer M...
Molecular mass of the Haemoglobin of selected Animals Eukaryotes Table - link N/A 104069 Amazing numbers in biology...
Arterialised and venous haematocrit, haemoglobin, pH, ions, blood gases, and calculated oxygen content Human Homo sapiens Table - link N/A 107339 Wood RE, Wishart C, Walker PJ...
Fraction of iron in body that is present in haemoglobin Human Homo sapiens 67 % 104009 Halliwell B, Gutteridge...
Average haemoglobin concentration in healthy non-pregnant woman living at sea level Human Homo sapiens 13 - 14 g/dL 112355 Hytten F. Blood volume...
Hemoglobin oxygen-binding capacity Human Homo sapiens in vitro 1.365±0.01 in vivo 1.366±0.007 Table - link mL O2/gram 111972 Dominguez de Villota ED...
MgATP association constant Generic 1.2 10^4 / M 101880 Berger, H., G. R. Janig...
Diffusion rate of Hemoglobin, oxy Horse Equus caballus 60.2 (Table - link) µm^2/sec 100245 Squire PG, Himmel ME....
Association constant of Mg and ATP Generic 12 mM^-1 101768 Berger H, Jänig GR, Gerber G...
Blood values Human Homo sapiens red cell average hemoglobin concentration 14.8g/dL: average hematocrit 42ml/dL N/A 112778 Silverman L, Glick D....
Monthly mean (±SD) hemoglobin (Hb) and reticulocyte counts Human Homo sapiens Table - link N/A 112492 Mock DM et al., Red blood...
Plasma-free Hb [hemoglobin] and haptoglobin concentrations before and 1 and 24 hours after transfusion of BioRBCs [biotinylated red blood cells] Human Homo sapiens Table - link N/A 112493 Mock DM et al., Red blood...
Percent of iron in body that is present in myoglobin Human Homo sapiens 10 % 104010 Halliwell B, Gutteridge...
Displacement of ferrous ion out of heme plane in oxygenated state of hemoglobin Human Homo sapiens 0.12 Angstrom 104202 Fermi G, Perutz MF, Shaanan B...
Hemoglobin fraction by weight in red blood cells Human Homo sapiens 30-35 % 100801 Optimality principles...
P50, 2,3-DPG, DPG-Hb and n50 in normoxic and hypoxic rats Rat Rattus norvegicus Table - link N/A 109644 Quatrini U, Licciardi A...
Molecular mass of Hemoglobin, oxy Horse Equus caballus 64610 (Table - link) Dalton 100254 Squire PG, Himmel ME....