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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Variability of size in brain (possibly only in forebrain) Human Homo sapiens ~15 - 20 % above and below the mean values 114631 Haug H. Brain sizes, surfaces...
Concentration of glutamate in forebrain and cerebellum (about 50% less in various parts of brain stem) Unspecified 10 µmol/g 115056 Krnjević, K. "Chemical...
Average number of dendritic spines Zebra finch Taeniopygia guttata 74±13 in HVCx: 51±7 in HVCra Spines per cell 107570 Tschida KA, Mooney R....
Number of neocortical neurons Human Homo sapiens ~2×10^10 neurons/neocortex 112054 Drachman D (2005). "Do...
Average decrease in number of cortical neurons from age 20 to 90 Human Homo sapiens ~9.5 % of neurons 112057 Drachman D (2005). "Do...
Degree of variability in macroscopic sizes of brain and cortex and in microscopic neuronal sizes Human Homo sapiens 15 - 20 % above and below the mean 115165 Haug H. Brain sizes, surfaces...
Total number of neural cells in brain Human Homo sapiens at 20 weeks of intrauterine life ∼13×10^9: in adult 19–23×10^9 neurons 117218 Malik S et al., Neurogenesis...
Number of neurons and glial cells in neocortex Human Homo sapiens 5e+10 cells 103185 Pelvig DP, Pakkenberg H...
Number of neurons and glial cells in male neocortex Human Homo sapiens 6.52e+10 cells 103182 Pelvig DP, Pakkenberg H...
Ratio between number of glia cells and number of neurons in male neocortex Human Homo sapiens 1.49 unitless 103183 Pelvig DP, Pakkenberg H...
Ratio between number of glia cells and number of neurons in female neocortex Human Homo sapiens 1.32 unitless 103184 Pelvig DP, Pakkenberg H...
Volume of the neocortex Human Homo sapiens 489 cm^3 103188 Pakkenberg B, Gundersen...
Average number of synaptic connections each neocortical neuron has Human Homo sapiens 7000 synaptic connections/neocortical neuron 112055 Drachman D (2005). "Do...
Number of synapses in cerebral cortex Human Homo sapiens ~1.5×10^14 synapses 112056 Drachman D (2005). "Do...
Diameter of neuron in caudate nucleus Cat Felis silvestris catus majority of neurons 10-15µm: much less abundant neurons 18-20µm: total range 7.5-32.5µm µm 112117 Adinolfi AM, Pappas GD....
Percent of prefrontal lobe volume out of neocortex volume macaque 11.5 Percent 103174 Fuster JM. Frontal lobe...
Percent of prefrontal lobe volume out of neocortex volume dog 12.5 Percent 103176 Fuster JM. Frontal lobe...
Neocortex ventricular volume Human Homo sapiens 16.9 cm^3 103192 Pakkenberg B, Gundersen...
Cerebral cortex proportion out of central nervous system (by volume) Rat Rattus norvegicus 31 % 103201 Mapping the human brain: past...
Percent of prefrontal lobe volume out of neocortex volume Human Homo sapiens 29 % 103172 Fuster JM. Frontal lobe...