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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Per unit volume energy production rate in liver mitochondria Rat Rattus norvegicus ~0.1 pW/μm^3 107138 Schwerzmann K, Cruz-Orive LM...
Metabolite and currency metabolite concentrations Various Table - link N/A 103402 Maskow T, von Stockar...
Energy cost without core metabolic energy Bacteria Escherichia coli 68mmolATP/gDW (equal to ~12*10^9 ATP/cell) N/A 110423 Feist AM, Henry CS, Reed JL...
Fraction of whole body basal metabolic rate (BMR) that is ATP consumption to maintain protein levels in the absence of growth in vivo Mammals ~20 % 113244 Brown GC. Total cell...
Number of subunits in F0F1 ATP synthase Various bacterial plasma membrane 8 chloroplast thylakoid 9 mammalian mitochondria ≥15 yeast mito. ≥17 subunits 111974 F Dabbeni-Sala, AK Rai...
Amount of ATP, αB, needed to produce E. coli biomass aerobically on glucose Bacteria Escherichia coli ~1.8E10 ATPs/femtoliter of cell volume 114702 Szenk M, Dill KA, de...
F0F1 ATP synthase molecular mass Unspecified 540 - 585 kDa 111973 F Dabbeni-Sala, AK Rai...
ATP synthesis rate of F1F0 ATP synthase Bacteria Escherichia coli at room temperature ∼0.060-0.10 μmol/min/mg of membrane protein : at 37°C 0.20 μmol/min/mg of membrane protein 115175 Tomashek JJ, Glagoleva OB...
Synthesis rate of ATP by F0F1 ATP synthase Unspecified >100 ATP/sec 111975 F Dabbeni-Sala, AK Rai...
Fraction of total respiration rate that is due to proton leak Rat Rattus norvegicus 39 (Table - link) % of total respiration rate 116171 Buttgereit F, Brand MD....
Fraction of total respiration rate that is due to unidentified ATP consumers Rat Rattus norvegicus 5.7 (Table - link) % of total respiration rate 116170 Buttgereit F, Brand MD....
Fraction of membrane proteins that is F1F0 ATP synthase (in rich medium. For fraction in minimal medium see 'Method') Bacteria Escherichia coli 3.3 % 115176 Tomashek JJ, Glagoleva OB...
Complete oxidation of 1 mol of glucose, glycerol and acetate leads to a theoretical maximum yield of ATP of Bacteria Escherichia coli 1 mol glucose 26mol ATP: 1 mol glycerol 15mol ATP: 1 mol acetate 7mol ATP mol ATP 114969 Kaleta C, Schäuble S...
Rate of ATP production Rat Rattus norvegicus 7.05E-19 (Table - link) mol ATP/mitochondria/sec 107137 Schwerzmann K, Cruz-Orive LM...
Cost of biosynthesis of methionine (most expensive amino acid) from glucose Bacteria Escherichia coli 18 mol ATP 114973 Kaleta C, Schäuble S...
Total cellular concentrations Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae glutamate ∼75: glutathione ∼15: ATP ∼2.5 mM 115810 Theillet FX et al., ...
Cost of maintenance of enzymes and RNA Cow Bos Taurus for milk protein production ~5 mol ATP/mol monomer: during animal growth ~20 mol ATP/mol monomer 117033 Penning de Vries FW,...
Increase in steady state matrix volume in the mitochondria following opening of mKATP (mitochondrial ATP-sensitive potassium) channels Rat Rattus norvegicus 15 - 20 % 116933 Anastacio MM et al.,...
Growth energetics during glucose-limited continuous cultures Bacteria Escherichia coli Table - link N/A 113372 Kayser A, Weber J, Hecht V...
Turnover number of F1F0 ATP synthase Bacteria Escherichia coli 13 – 33 sec^-1 115177 Tomashek JJ, Glagoleva OB...