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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Total plant biomass on Earth (≈80% of total biomass) Biosphere ≈450 gigatons of carbon (Gt C) 115270 Bar-On YM, Phillips R...
Present day geothermal energy produced by earth Biosphere ~0.0292 W/m^2 100603 Jorg Overmann and Ferran...
Time scales in the evolution of life on earth Biosphere Table - link N/A 103786 David L. Nelson, Michael...
Number of lightning bolts striking the earth Biosphere >1.4×10^9 lightning bolts/year 113587 Olivia P. Judson, The...
Decrease in wildlife on Earth between 1970 and 2012 Biosphere ≤58 % 117265 Ceballos G, Ehrlich PR...
Wavelength of solar electromagnetic radiation reaching the earth surface Biosphere 300-4000 nm 104570 Jones HG, Archer N, Rotenberg...
Total archaea biomass on Earth (predominantly located in deep subsurface environments) Biosphere ≈7 gigatons of carbon (Gt C) 115280 Bar-On YM, Phillips R...
Estimated number of viral particles on earth Biosphere 1E+31 viral particles 110706 Minot S, Bryson A, Chehoud C...
Global amount of RuBisCO - most abundant protein on Earth Biosphere 4e+13 grams 103827 R.J. Ellis, 1979, The...
Time since the appearance of life on Earth Biosphere >3.5 Ga 107057 Payne JL et al., Two-phase...
Solar power arriving to earth from the sun (worldwide average) Biosphere 175 10^15 W (petaW) 100943 Karl TR, Trenberth KE....
Milestones in the evolution of the Earth and its biosphere Biosphere Table - link Years before present 109596 Vaclav Smil, The Earth's...
Fraction of solar energy striking the Earth that is converted to biomass Biosphere 0.2 % 104625 Robert E. Blakenship...
Estimated number of insects on earth at a given moment Insect 1E+18 Unitless 104961 Bert Holldobler and Edward...
Carbon pools in the major resevoirs on Earth Biosphere Table - link 10^15 g 108695 aquatic photosynthesis...
Population size (most numerous undomesticated bird on earth) Red-billed quelea Quelea quelea ~1.5 billion individuals 117284 Bennett CE et al., The...
Currently (as of 2011) catalogued and predicted total number of species on Earth and in the ocean Biosphere Table - link species 109317 Mora C, Tittensor DP...
Fraction of total primary productivity on earth that is from anoxygenic photosynthesis Biosphere 0.05 % 105040 John A. Raven Functional...
Total bacteria biomass on Earth (≈15% of the global biomass, predominantly located in deep subsurface environments) Biosphere ≈70 gigatons of carbon (Gt C) 115272 Bar-On YM, Phillips R...
Energy reaching primordial Earth from electric discharge, radioactivity, volcanism, or meteoritic impacts Biosphere 0.0062 W/m^2 104559 Jorg Overmann and Ferran...